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  1. V

    Green Crack nooB grow journal

    Quick little update. I called the guy i got the ladies from and he said they're about 5 weeks old from establishing roots as a clone. He was using advanced nutrients but a tea, and a couple other i don't have. I ordered a $25 ppm meter. i know it wont be precise but at least i'll get a better...
  2. V

    Green Crack nooB grow journal

    yeah haven't gotten cooler than 68 so far, which i'm happy with. I'm out for right now though. I'll check back tonite to see if anyone else has posted questions or anthing
  3. V

    Green Crack nooB grow journal

    he gets his seeds from germany so I'm not 100% sure. yesterday my temps were right around 69-74, i don't think thats too cold though?
  4. V

    Green Crack nooB grow journal

    yeah i think so, why whats up?
  5. V

    Green Crack nooB grow journal

    heres what they looked like the day i put them in the tent
  6. V

    Green Crack nooB grow journal

    Thanks a lot Figong, that's one of the reasons I wanted to start a journal, is from reading a lot of other ones and all the advice that was given. I appreciate the knowledge and help of anyone that wants to throw in their two cents. I just stepped in the tent to see what you were talking about...
  7. V

    Green Crack nooB grow journal

    yeah i was going to edit after i read what i wrote. My tap water is 8, and I have adjusted to 6.5 when i watered the last set of clones i had. but like i said i overwatered them and they havne't had any growth, root growth, but nothing vertical, yellowing of leaves and dying so i'm focusing my...
  8. V

    Green Crack nooB grow journal

    thanks for asking actually. Yeah I haven't done anything to them other than put them in the tent under the light since i got them. (2days ago) I haven't even watered them yet. I picked up clones a week before this and lost them from over(loving)watering them. My tap water runs at a PH of around...
  9. V

    Green Crack nooB grow journal

    Excited about starting my first journal. I've read and learned a lot from this site already, and am excited to share my first grow. I'll start off saying I'm a medical patient in the state of MI, and am my own caregiver. I've got 4 green crack clones i picked up from a guy I met at the local...