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  1. MonsterMagnet

    Is this mildew or insects?...

    Be kind :) It's my first ever attempt at growing. It's about 5 feet tall & gets sun from top to bottom from morning to mid afternoon.
  2. MonsterMagnet

    Is this mildew or insects?...

    Thanks for the reply. Any particular brand you can suggest?
  3. MonsterMagnet

    Is this mildew or insects?...

    So, my bug problem was sorted very quickly with a natural pesticide spray a couple of months ago. New problem...maybe... It's around week 3-4 of my plant flowering & there are several new yellowed leaves each day. I've read this iis common when a plant is switching all it's energy into...
  4. MonsterMagnet

    Is this mildew or insects?...

    Hey. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I suspected some kind of bug. I live in Germany & these plants are growing in humidity averaging around 40%. It's summertime here & I'm expecting the plant to be ready for harvest around mid-September. Funnily enough, we had quite a few ladybirds (that's what...
  5. MonsterMagnet

    Is this mildew or insects?...

    Sorry for the total noob question! This is my first attempt at growing weed. The plant spends most of its life on a windowsill that gets a lot of the morning & mid afternoon sun. I take it around the back, onto a balcony, in the evening for another 2-3 hour dose of sun, outdoors this time...