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  1. sologro

    How long til chop?

    keep going until amber... you should stake and or string the buds so they dont fall over and break... any new pics? looking at the old pics you needed another 2-3 weeks and only a week has gone by so im sure there not fully rdy yet!!! looks great though
  2. sologro

    Are my trichomes 'ready'?

    kevo sounds correct look for the milky color and most of the pistils should have turned and receeded
  3. sologro

    my bud smells weird.

    need some more info... how long were they flowering for? how did you dry it? they mite of not been ready or dried wrong.. good luck!
  4. sologro

    "Lifes a garden... Dig it"

    "Lifes a garden... Dig it"
  5. sologro

    Design Drying room help!!!

    Hey guys...Need help designing a portable drying room... Landlord is taking the house back for a few days end of Aug and the rent drop was to good to say no plus i did not want to raise any eyebrows... i planned harvest to be about 4-5 days before he comes up and am going to rent my old...
  6. sologro

    Severe Yellow Please Help!! mix.. thanks again to everyon helping out
  7. sologro

    Severe Yellow Please Help!!

    ive been givin it all foxfarm nutes every water... anyone think its because of ph posably being slightly above 7 and locking the nutes out?
  8. sologro

    Severe Yellow Please Help!!

    the tips of majority of the new leaves are yellow then browning around the bud.. the whole crop is way to yellow
  9. sologro

    Severe Yellow Please Help!!

    Hey guys, I have a big prob and cant figure it out. Im 3 weeks away from harv.. i think it zinc can anyone help?? using a 600 hps, temps allways in 70's, humidty 40'-50's, keepin ph around 6.5 using liquid ph tester(i might have been adding to much ph up and it could be slightly above 7)...