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  1. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Went and checked out my 6 stealth outdoor plants today.... seems they've all gone into flower which I was half expecting as I am really a total noob when it comes to indoor clones going for outdoor grow season... All is not lost though, just put 4 into a dark moist place ;) try some from seed...
  2. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Sneak peak at the next grow. Loving the scrog and even canopy! Trimmed out 2 buckets worth of undergrowth already, let it recover for a few days and I'll get a bit more done! And shit, uploading these made me remember I forgot to lower the light!! Also have 6 outdoor guerilla plants out and...
  3. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Next on the table will be perfecting my watering schedule and quantities and achieving maximum yield through the scrog... Just had an idea, tying a brick or something to some string and dropping that in the middle to get a bit of a U shape scrog happening! I have plenty of seeds if I wish to try...
  4. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    & we all know pics or it didn't happen! Ended up with 6.6 oz in jars, still a tad moist but it's been hung a month today. I'll have to make sure they're opened and aired a couple of times daily... Even if I lose the 0.6 oz I'm still very pleased with my first effort! As you can see from the...
  5. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Sorry for the long delay and lack of pictures and updates. 3 1/2 weeks hanging and they're still not dry to a snap, still just bending albeit very close to a snap. I'll post a weight when they're done. Looks like a good 4-5 ounces but time will tell! Also started my next grow using 4 clones from...
  6. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    I've already spent enough on lights and seeds, going to have to make do with what I have! Just topped all the clones again, they're about ten inches now I guess and thriving under a couple of cheap cfls haha. Might try some high stress training for practice, I have enough clones to lose a couple.
  7. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    After ten hours of trimming and hanging I'm all done! I'll post a dry weight when it's time (probably be two weeks away before I have the time and it may take that long to dry in winter anyway). There's a distinct yield difference in all four plants, the one I almost killed yieled very poorly...
  8. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Thanks man! Everything is fairly even, but waaay too high above the screen for my liking, I stopped training a bit early. I'm not expecting an incredible yield as one plant I was in two minds about pulling out has produced poorly as I almost last itn in the early stages. :( Oh well, first...
  9. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Cheers man! Gave them their last feed yesterday, one more day of light then 48 hours of darkness ready for a weekend chop!
  10. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    At day 64 of flower now, going to let it go another week and pull it all at once! Looking and smelling sooo nice!
  11. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Time for some bud porn! Pictures taken at day 53 of 12/12. I think I am now at day 59, front left is just about ready to harvest, the others still have at least a week in them. Going to go with two pots next time for ease of watering and training, will the current pot size be ok for a longer veg...
  12. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Sweet as man! Here I am struggling with winter conditions haha -.-
  13. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Re: cannazyme. Just following the instructions for feed on the back of the bottle, it's used at 2.5 ml/l from veg state right through to harvest. For an eight week cycle the first two weeks is a seedling/rooting schedule with no cannazyme so that's where the 6 weeks comes from but as for...
  14. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    I just had a quick read of your two grows, nice work. How long til harvest on number two?
  15. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    They've been on 12/12 for just over 7 weeks now (53 days to be exaxt) the feed instructions allow for a 1-2 week flush for an eight week strain with only cannazyme and cannaboost. A few of the lower leaves are also starting to die off and yellow so I will not feed again until harvest time, I...
  16. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Cheers for that man, I'll search up on altering the hours of light. Aphids seem to be under control and pistils are nicely changing, trichs starting to turn too by the look of things!
  17. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    I figured that might be the case! Cheers. Before I started growing I browsed a ton of journals and a lot never got finished! Really annoyed me so this one will be finished... I'd post and browse more but between working 40 hour weeks, my girlfriend and working on improving my first home I...
  18. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Does anyone even read this? I won't bother with any further journals after this grow is done .
  19. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Heading into the final weeks. :D
  20. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Few more pictures... these aren't even the biggest buds just what's towards the front of the tent.. Played around with macro settings and flash etc.