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  1. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    I can also understand and appreciate a stadium/U style scrog now the stretch is underway, everything directly under the light is a good inch above the outer edges in a sphere kinda shape. This is so fun to do lol
  2. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Fenian: I work in a department store that sells almost all of damprids range... I'll look into it. The tent also sits on tiles which I'm sure doesn't help. Might keep the window closed and put the heating on evert so often, the house does hold heat. Dank: Cheers for the info bro. :)...
  3. S

    Ready for harvest? Don't want to go too early, first time.

    Awesome (kind of) news! I found a seed in the popcorn bud I kept for myself so I get to grow the offspring!!! If female I reckon I may be able to pull 3 pound with more topping, training and a better feed schedule! Have not had any complaints about seeds from any one who has got a bag from me...
  4. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Mmmm hues. What would you suggest for humidity? Cheapest machine I can find is like $50 or you can get rechargeable onesnfor about $10 from ebay.. or a couple of bucks for a cheap hangingnone or sachets... Will try to get near a computer soon. The canopy is a good 4 inch above the screen now...
  5. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Cheers again fenian. I've got a 30x and 60-100x loupe so I'll be checking trichs after 8 or so weeks. Also starting to have temp and humidity issues... I think. It's climbing to 80% rh at lights off and dropping to 18 degrees from about 25 during lights on. I'm having to keep the window...
  6. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    So today marks day 7 from the flip.. or so I hope, seems one of my cats ran past the timer and it's possible they had up to 24 hours of straight light yesterday. Watering every two days with 8-10 litres between 4 of them. Seems to be working, I may try and making a 10 litre batch and feeding it...
  7. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    A few leaves grew a bit too close to the glass and got bleached. :( It's a sad day. At least I know the cooling is up to scratch haha.
  8. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    PICS: Check out the size of that leaf!
  9. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Stretch is coming along nicely, screen is fairly full and then growth is quite even. Also taken 12 cuttings, 4 each from the strongest plants. Clearef out a bit of undergrowth, pictures to come later.
  10. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    No problems. Can post a pic if you'd like. Just put in the intake fan. Hopefully be able to leave it closed now.
  11. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Also running out of room to tuck. Have switched to 12/12 and will begin feeding as per flowering schedule on the back of the canna coco bottle. A handful of leaves grew into the glass cover through the day and have been bleached or burnt a little. Can't wait for the buds to start appearing...
  12. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Just had an accident and unintentionally topped two of the main colas as I was not gentle enough pulling back under. Damn chicken wire. :( Will try cloning both though.
  13. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    In hindsight I should have either topped or lstd earlier as I can see the main cola overgrowing all the others.
  14. S

    Ready for harvest? Don't want to go too early, first time.

    Now it's had a little cure time it's starting to take on more of a piney smell and taste.. Nothing but good reports from friends who have had some.
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    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    PICTURES: Unsure weather to flip and train, continue to train, trim or what, any suggestions people?
  16. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    I trimmed a little underneath today. If I flipped now and my plants doubled the screen will be full no worries but not every hole has growth through it or near it. A lot of bigger fan leaves taking up room but plenty of growth underneath to get clones from. /unsure. Will post a pic...
  17. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    :D I'm thinking I might flip this weekend after trimming a few fan leaves that are shading a bit much. 4th plant has just hit the screen and was trained yesterday. The other three are getting well bushy and filling out the screen. Reallt unsure as to how much to trim and let it fill out but...
  18. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Shall do. Forgive the bad spelling, I can only really post from mobile and it's annoying as the way my phone corrects and re corrects things.
  19. S

    400w MH/HPS multi-strain ScROG First grow!

    Cheers man. Just found an inch long well fed green caterpillar! I've seen sone more droppings buy can't find any more. . Hopefullu just a stray from a freshly cut tree in my yard. God. Knows how it got in there.
  20. S

    Ready for harvest? Don't want to go too early, first time.

    10 months from seed, it was indoors for about 2 weeks in a jiffy pellet on a windowsill with no nutes just tap water. Transplanted to a 12l bucket and pit outdoors and when it outgrew that it went into the earth. Smoke is wonderful, still a touch harsh and green tasting. The buds have a very...