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  1. dankuverymuch

    Classic 6 Plant Closet Grow - 600w HPS grow tent setup

    First question to the audience, zoom in on the plant on the upper leftmost part of the picture. See how the leave is outlined in yellow..could these be nut deficiencies? I use cal mag and dynagro grow to feed em
  2. dankuverymuch

    Classic 6 Plant Closet Grow - 600w HPS grow tent setup

    Hey folks, Posting this journal to keep me motivated through this whole process... Setup -Basic Grow Tent 48x24x60 -600 Watt HPS -6" inline fan (with dat muff) as exhaust 1x Vornado Room circulator 1x Vornado mini Plants -1 Double Dream 5 weeks old (topped) -1 Double Dream 5 weeks old...
  3. dankuverymuch

    Plant Droopy & Older leaves yellowing..what should I do?

    Thanks for the advice so far guys..I'll definitely give the dolomitic lime a try..sounds like an easier way than having to rebalance the PH for every gallon I need. Update: Here ya go...Been about a far the yellowing leaves have gotten more yellow but the other parts of the plants...
  4. dankuverymuch

    Plant Droopy & Older leaves yellowing..what should I do?

    Will the yellowed leaves remain active after the plant bounces back? Also, it's been about a day and the plants appearance looks around the same..not worse but not better..will it take a couple of days to recoop? I'm assuming spraying them and putting a plastic bag on them for humidity won't do...
  5. dankuverymuch

    Plant Droopy & Older leaves yellowing..what should I do?

    Also, can I most probably rule heat stress out?
  6. dankuverymuch

    Plant Droopy & Older leaves yellowing..what should I do?

    So I should be giving them water that has a PH of higher than 6 to ensure that runoff is at around 6? Last time I tested my runoff, it was around ~5.8 so maybe its too low? Also, haven't fed them yet..was gonna wait at least a week to avoid shocking them. Lastly, what should I do? Just wait it...
  7. dankuverymuch

    Plant Droopy & Older leaves yellowing..what should I do?

    Hey folks, I'm conducting a grow in a small tent with a 600w HPS (dimmed at 75%) I'm growing four clones that I picked up from a dispensary about a week ago. One of the plants was doing extremely well until today when I noticed it had started to droop. Also, its older leaves, which were once...
  8. dankuverymuch

    Diagnose my young clones please! Drooping and yellowing...

    Do you think the curling of the leaves could be nutrient burn?
  9. dankuverymuch

    Diagnose my young clones please! Drooping and yellowing...

    Alright..well I've got my ghetto humidity domes set up as per your suggestion! I'll update you when I check them out tomorrow! How long will they need to keep the dome on? Also, can I keep them in my grow tent or should I move them outside?
  10. dankuverymuch

    Diagnose my young clones please! Drooping and yellowing...

    Very nice clones man..simply lovely And I bought them from a coop so I was under the assumption that I wouldn't need to stick them in a humidity dome. What should I do at this point?
  11. dankuverymuch

    Diagnose my young clones please! Drooping and yellowing...

    @Mainlinekush All of the stems seem about normal Should I turn off one of the fans I have blowing on them? I have 2 fans in my is the exhaust one and one is just a normal one.. Also, at this point should I do anything about this or will the clone recover and prosper? Thanks!
  12. dankuverymuch

    Diagnose my young clones please! Drooping and yellowing...

    Hey folks, I'm in dire need of some help... I recently bought three clones from my local coop. One of the clones seems to be the plant equivalent of a superhuman and is growing strong..:clap: The other two are giving me issues. Both of them are drooping like a gottdamn limp noodle and the...