Classic 6 Plant Closet Grow - 600w HPS grow tent setup


New Member
Hey folks,

Posting this journal to keep me motivated through this whole process...

-Basic Grow Tent 48x24x60
-600 Watt HPS
-6" inline fan (with dat muff) as exhaust
1x Vornado Room circulator
1x Vornado mini

-1 Double Dream 5 weeks old (topped)
-1 Double Dream 5 weeks old (topped) - this one has been stunted for quite awhile...
-1 Blue Dream 2 weeks old (topped)
-1 Blue Dream 1 weeks
-1 Blue dream 4 weeks old (topped)
-1 AK47 1 weeks

More pics (of each plant) and more questions are gonna be asked in my next post when I have time. Have to hit the gym to avoid roommates parents since im bleazited.

Right hurr aree my 6 babies

Help a newbie out and sub!!!!!




New Member
First question to the audience, zoom in on the plant on the upper leftmost part of the picture. See how the leave is outlined in yellow..could these be nut deficiencies? I use cal mag and dynagro grow to feed em