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  1. G

    Candy grape breath , chocolate mint og

    That cmog is fire
  2. G

    Does anyone have feedback on SolarXtreme 250

    I have the 250 Xtreme I would definitely go with something else light is just not that powerful I’m currently looking for something better also I was thinking the optic 2 gen 4 for my space
  3. G

    need help stunted growth

    Alright thanks man
  4. G

    need help stunted growth

    Yeah its a open hood 16" is about as close as I can get it
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    need help stunted growth

    Ok I appreciate it man
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    need help stunted growth

    Ok I have it at 16" away right now I was just afraid that it was to small for the full 400
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    need help stunted growth

  8. G

    need help stunted growth

    I can only turn it up from 50% to 75% to 100%
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    need help stunted growth

    And idk if yall can tell but the first set of true leaves are a yellowish white color
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    need help stunted growth

    the light?
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    need help stunted growth

    I just put it in that pot a week ago it was in a little 6" pot for a month and it was that size when I transplanted
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    need help stunted growth

    I have a chocoloco from vision that I got as a freebie it is 5 weeks old. Its in mg soil with perlite, 60% soil 40% perlite. I transplanted it a week ago into a 5gal bucket. The plant has 5 nodes, it is 4" tall and about 2" wide. Im using flora series nutes and a drop or 2 of superthrive every 2...
  13. G

    stunted growth

    Its in mg soil I added permits so it's about 60% soil 40% perlite. The light is about 2' away. I didn't start adding mutes till the cotelyn leaves started turning yellow and I started 1/4 strength mutes. My ph is the same as when I water it and the ppm is actually lower than what I put in. And...
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    stunted growth

    Idk whats wrong my plant sprouted just fine and grew good for the first week. Its chocoloco from vision I have it under a 400 watt mh dimmed to 50% im using gh flora series and a couple of drops of superthrive every couple weeks per gallon it is now 5 weeks old today and is only 4" tall and...
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    you can use rw and clay pebbles together with no problem
  16. G

    wont flower wondering if its because i had nitrogen toxicity

    oh yeah its indica dominate but I don't know what strain
  17. G

    wont flower wondering if its because i had nitrogen toxicity

    set up is 5 gal dwc. 400 watt hps nutes are gh 3 series I had a nitrogen toxicity and right now trying to flush it out with RO water with ppms at 9 plant had real dark green leaves and a couple of them started to claw I've had the lights on 12/12 for 11 days now and still no signs of...
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    when do i start adding nutes

    Its mg potting mix with continuous release plant food and its .21-.07-.14 on the nutes
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    when do i start adding nutes

    Yeah it does
  20. G

    when do i start adding nutes

    Miracle grow