when do i start adding nutes


Active Member
I would say around 3 to 4 weeks. There is a lot better stuff out there besides miracle grow...


Active Member
Virtually any other information you could provide would be helpful.
But i they are still seedlings you are going to want to wait till they are vegging, and atleast 2-3 weeks old before ANY type of feeding.
And even then it will be at 1/2 strength.


New Member
There is a lot better stuff out there besides miracle grow...

That aside, the bag the soil came in should mention how long the nutrients are good for. Usually 3-4 weeks, but it does vary and I believe Miracle Grow has some newfangled soil that's supposed to hold nutes longer (?). Anyway, read the bag or give it a Google if you don't have the bag. My guess is that Miracle Grow would know better than us.


Well-Known Member
Mg is the worst thing you can do for your plant. They use harsh shit chemicals for nutes. Better off using soil from the earth if cheep is what you're after


Well-Known Member
Mg is the worst thing you can do for your plant. They use harsh shit chemicals for nutes. Better off using soil from the earth if cheep is what you're after
you're not helping...... Be sure not to use to much water (not much runoff) the time release nutes dissolve in water so excessive use of water could release to much and burn your plants. I would wait at least 4 weeks to feed unless it shows a deficiency. Do some research learn as much ass you can, good luck


Well-Known Member
What about just water your plant, keep an eye on it, and if it looks hungry feed it. But well below the dose advised. Are you using MG nutes as well? You should be able to notice a slight change when those little green balls start to run out, shouldn't you? I've done that with Mg and I always get burnt leaf tips but kinda good bud. I don't use MG anymore.


Active Member
Its mg potting mix with continuous release plant food and its .21-.07-.14 on the nutes