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  1. hellbent1971

    Chimera's C Plus Grow

    Very nice, very nice indeed!! Good job!
  2. hellbent1971

    Northern lights x white widow and deep chunkolate

    42 days in. 12/12 from seed, just started 10/14 light schedule, the girls seem to be liking it.
  3. hellbent1971

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Thank you very much! This is a great article. Awesome looking treats too:)
  4. hellbent1971

    Northern lights x white widow and deep chunkolate

    37 days in, seems like they are changing everyday. Just wondering if I should trim some fan leaves. Are they ok to leave on? The bud sites are all getting light.
  5. hellbent1971

    Northern lights x white widow and deep chunkolate

    this was 33 days in from seed.
  6. hellbent1971

    Blue Hash - Dinafem seeds

    Very nice!!
  7. hellbent1971

    How do I get a picture up as my profile for my threads like everyone else has...

    Beat me to the punch! You got it right on justanotherbozo!
  8. hellbent1971

    Raidermans Grow

    Your'e a wizard!! That is Truly Impressive bro!! The pics were making my mouth water. Beautiful looking girls! I am in awe!!
  9. hellbent1971

    Northern lights x white widow and deep chunkolate

    Thanks Raiderman, this is by far the best grow yet, usually have nute burn or overwater issues, but I researched a bit before starting and this is the first time with hps. Have a good one
  10. hellbent1971

    Northern lights x white widow and deep chunkolate

    my friend is trying the 12/12 from seed, there is a thread here about it, there have been a lot of good reviews. The main reason my friend is trying this is space confinement. The plants actually veg for the first couple of weeks ( I hear) even under the 12/12. I will try to keep this updated to...
  11. hellbent1971

    Northern lights x white widow and deep chunkolate

    these are Northern light white widow cross and a teeny deep chunkolate. The Northern lights are about 2.5 weeks old and the little fella is about 1.5 weeks. All 12/12 from seed.
  12. hellbent1971

    is it safe to keep lights on while not at home?

    I was worried too, being new to hps and mh. but timer works great and trouble free. All the best
  13. hellbent1971

    co2 water for roots?

    Too funny Lemon King
  14. hellbent1971

    co2 water for roots?

    Thank you very much KGP!! I thought I should ask before trying :)
  15. hellbent1971

    co2 water for roots?

    Hello, I have a sodastream carbonated drink maker, Would there be any benefit to the roots if I carbonated some filtered water? Probably not good for the roots or plant, just wondering, I have heard one person on the internet (can't remember where) using carbonated water and putting in spray...
  16. hellbent1971

    no increased yield using seimen, help

    LOL That is too funny!!
  17. hellbent1971

    co2 spray for leaves?

    Hello, I saw somewhere that someone used co2, put it in a spray bottle and sprayed his leaves (the bottom I think), with the lights off for about 15 min during and after. I was wondering if this is a good thing to do, since I read somewhere else that water left on the leaves will block...
  18. hellbent1971

    electricity use monitored?

    Thank you everyone for all the good info! I appreciate the timely feedback! Great forum and Great support! All the best!!
  19. hellbent1971

    electricity use monitored?

    Thank you, guess I am just paranoid :) Good to hear! Have a good one jkahndb0
  20. hellbent1971

    electricity use monitored?

    Hello, am starting a closet grow, I just ordered an hps 400w switchable ballast that runs metal halide and hps. I was thinking of going 12/12 from seed in soil. I am concerned that maybe the electric bill might be a lot higher and that the hydro company would notice the 12/12 cycle. Any...