Northern lights x white widow and deep chunkolate


Active Member
looking good, but what do u mean all 12/12 from seed? Bro.. u should at least be doing 18/6 12/12 is for flowering only.. Just some Advice. Im actually doing 24/0 right now just for a cpl weeks on my seedlings then ill b going down to 18/6 then finally down to 12/12 :D :leaf:


New Member
my friend is trying the 12/12 from seed, there is a thread here about it, there have been a lot of good reviews. The main reason my friend is trying this is space confinement. The plants actually veg for the first couple of weeks ( I hear) even under the 12/12.
I will try to keep this updated to show results.
Thanks GKID69, Good luck on your grow too.


Well-Known Member
ive done 12/12 from seed and doesn't fill the pot with roots and buds as good as 3 week veg at least will put out more of wat u want .looks to be a good grow,will keep an eye on these ,thx for sharing.:leaf:peace.


New Member
37 days in, seems like they are changing everyday. Just wondering if I should trim some fan leaves. Are they ok to leave on? The bud sites are all getting light.100_0357.jpg100_0358.jpg100_0359.jpg100_0360.jpg100_0361.jpg