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  1. S3love

    What Are You Wearing??

    hahahahahahaha nice wish i were drunk, not yet possibly in a bit
  2. S3love


    omg i remember that movie damn that was one f**ked up movie, being a female myself i screamed and was like wtf
  3. S3love

    What is your age, sex, and location?

    yes it is StonedFarmer, what a coincidence we live in the same province
  4. S3love

    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    yea both of my orange tabbies are both male, and surprisingly they get along great, pumpkin was found wondering in the woods at my husbands fathers work, so he brought him home, we were worried because usually having two males is a bad idea, but they actually get along great, every cat gets...
  5. S3love

    need help with this idea for a painting

    i think that is an absolutely wonderful idea, i love when people take something basic and change it around, coming from an artist myself i think it would be absolutely wonderful, i would love to know what u actually choose to do and share some photos one famous movie scene i thought of when i...
  6. S3love


    one of the best movies i ever saw was The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia... what made it most scary is that it is all based on real life events...i actually went and did research because i thought it wasnt real...but it really is...i think that makes things more scary when they are...
  7. S3love


    I love scary movies, i love that intense what is going to happen next feeling, i always jump and scream, ive had my father run into my bedroom (while im laying there all exposed) saying omg are u ok, what happened, because ive yelled really loud cuz i got scared ahahahahahahahahaha
  8. S3love

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    does anyone on here attend Weight Watchers, i know it is world wide so im curious, i have tried thousands of diets but weight watchers is always where i end up going back to, i have been going for 3 months now, and i have gone down about 12 pounds, its hard especially because when i drink i just...
  9. S3love

    What is your age, sex, and location?

    I am a 22 year old female, from Ontario, Canada
  10. S3love

    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    starting on the left going across... the first is lily (shes the yongest), then kirby, then oj, then flash, and then last not but not least is pumpkin
  11. S3love

    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    i have 6 kitties...they are my babies...i love them to death... i only have pictures of 5
  12. S3love

    What Are You Wearing??

    so i decided to start this thread, because we all live in different areas and am curious how alike or different we are with regards to clothing so this is intended as what you are wearing at the exact moment you read this i just woke up so i just threw on a pair of black track pants and some...
  13. S3love

    thank u, sorry for the really late response, i forgot all my information luckily computer...

    thank u, sorry for the really late response, i forgot all my information luckily computer remembered it :D
  14. S3love

    Dude calls 911 to ask about his new grow.

    that is an awesome story...did you hear the story of a lady who called the cops to complain that the pot she just bought was not good quality, so she was saying they basically robbed her of her how dumb can u get hahahahahahahahaha
  15. S3love

    5 word story

    now i can enjoy site :D
  16. S3love

    5 word story

    thank god my computer did :P
  17. S3love

    5 word story

    forgot i had an account :P
  18. S3love

    hey, i was wondering why my husband, PumpkinFarmer, was banned, it said that he is under age...

    hey, i was wondering why my husband, PumpkinFarmer, was banned, it said that he is under age, when I can tell you for a fact that he is not under age, he is older than your global moderator, Sunni if this is because he told someone that they can't say they make champagne, unless they are from...