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  1. M

    Fresh air or max insulation

    Please explain further. I currently have a 4 x 8 with an AC 6" AC infinity fan and carbon filter exhausting straight out of a window and a 6" vivosun intake fan bringing in fresh air from outside via a window. Am I doing something wrong? Temps are steady 75-80 and RH is 50.
  2. M

    Week 3 Assistance

    Thank you gentlemen
  3. M

    Week 3 Assistance

    Anything? 24 hours I watered with 200ml and the top of the soil seems dry although its slightly damp/moist 1 inch in.
  4. M

    Week 3 Assistance

    As the title says, I'm in week 3 since I dropped some seeds straight into solo cups. Just 5 days ago I transplanted them into 1 gallon fabric pots. I'm using Roots Organic Original Potting soil mixed with Kind Soil for the 1 gallon, should feed all the way till I transplant to 3gal pre-flower...
  5. M

    Changing Light Schedule

    Thanks for the prompt response guys!
  6. M

    Changing Light Schedule

    Thank you for your feedback! I'll slowly transition 3 hours back with 1 hour difference everyday.
  7. M

    Changing Light Schedule

    Hello all! I have a question regarding light schedule. I am currently 18/6 and lights off are between 3pm - 9pm. I was wondering if I can gradually take it back an hour or two to lights off at 2pm - 8pm then shortly after to 1pm - 7pm. Its getting a little hotter than anticipated during the day...
  8. M

    Seedling Issues

    Roger that, thank you. I appreciate it, just being over concerned I guess considering its the first grow.
  9. M

    Seedling Issues

    Done, will be transplanting this weekend. Considering i'm putting them in 1gal pots, how many cups/pounds of soil should I put in each pot?
  10. M

    Seedling Issues

    Shall I add some more micro-greens on top of the current soil to cover the stem? I was planning on doing so when I transplant next week into a 1 gal. Or should I do now?
  11. M

    Seedling Issues

    Interesting, i'll test my water again. Didn't think that would be it.
  12. M

    Seedling Issues

    Hello all! I planted these seedlings straight from seed into a solo cup on 1/22. Here are some progress pictures of them. A few of them show brown/yellow spots, some look healthy. The newer leaf growth on the few that have damage look a lot better. Some information about my grow: Roots...
  13. M

    Seedling ting questions

    Another picture I took recently of that same plant. Any word on whats going on? 2 weeks since I planted seed into soil. The other 10 or so seedlings dont show signs like this. Roots Organic Micro-Greens in a solo cup Watered with 50ml purified water once every 3-4 days 640 Watt Timber Redwood...
  14. M

    Seedling ting questions

    Bump, any advice?
  15. M

    Light Schedule

    Appreciate the detailed response! I do plan to adjust to an 18-6 light schedule very soon in the next week once I have better means to control my environment during those 6 hours of darkness. They are only about 1 weeks old since I put seed in soil.
  16. M

    Seedling ting questions

    This is update since 1/22 planting seed into soil using Roots Organic Micro-Greens. Am I dealing with any problems here judging from the seedlings? One of them seems to have slight yellowing. Not sure if it's LED light burn, under a 640 LED thats dimmed down to 25% output. Watering with 50ml...
  17. M

    Light Schedule

    I currently have some seedlings that are about 2 weeks old. I have kept my lights on since I planted seed into soil to keep temps warm in my 4x8 tent. After about 2 weeks I turned the lights off for the first time for 6 hours to let temps cool, and give the lights a little break. If I go back to...
  18. M

    Soil Assistance

    Thank you Richard Drysift for your wisdom on this matter. You've convinced me to go with 5 gal pot. Should I be watering at a specific PH? I use purified water due to the cities tap water being 300+ppm
  19. M

    Soil Assistance

    Thank you! At what ratio do you recommend I put in the charlies compost/jobes per 1.5cf? Is this what you use...
  20. M

    Soil Assistance

    I plan to finish with 5 gallon pots potentially even 3. Appreciate the advice, thank you.