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  1. G

    5 weeks flower, possible nute def advice needed

    cheers last nute feed was 6 days ago, topped up 2 days ago with epsom and molasses roughly 500ml's just fed till tiny runoff with plain tap, both took 1 1/4 L's i normally hand weigh the pots, succesful till had to add another 7 ladies from clone stock, now i am trying to balance so i dont have...
  2. G

    5 weeks flower, possible nute def advice needed

    Hi All AMS 5 weeks in, indoors under 400W hps gallon pots of plagron all mix using bio bizz grow and bloom too schedule every other feed drinking just over 1 1/2L water (tap, left standing) every 3 days last feed was 1/2 tsp epsom with molasses pic should show leaves yellowing between veins, was...
  3. G

    1st grow problem, poss nute issue need solution

    Hi All, 1st off thanks to everyone who contributes to these forums they are\have been and will be a huge help +REP to all! long time toker, 1st time grower so be gentle! i have an issue and thought i would ask help from across the pond. started flowering 19/10 so currently 5 weeks'ish in the 3...