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  1. CBDFarm


    This month.
  2. CBDFarm


    Ok? LOL. I think I am doing pretty good...
  3. CBDFarm


    I did leave until captain angry came in LOL.
  4. CBDFarm


  5. CBDFarm


    Im legal, what is someone going to do by calling the state unemployment LMFAO come on.... Anyway, a blacked out version...
  6. CBDFarm

    Garden ripped out in norcal

    That's really good to hear dude. I told you something was up even though everyone was arguing with me earlier in the thread. Good luck dude. Hope you sue the shit out of them for time lost,equipment, pain and suffering, vandalism, trespassing etc.
  7. CBDFarm


    Never said it was "completely free" Yep you are right I know everything LOL 2-3=potato LMFAO you are a funny character. You assume so much its cute. Anyway I said im leaving, sorry for posting again. Peace.
  8. CBDFarm


    Well Im out mod is deleting posts, so that means it's going to shit. Not looking to get banned all from my first simple comment. lol. Peace. EDIT: LOL Yes I seem agitated when I have people wishing death upon my dog (LMFAO)and people calling me ignorant even though they have no idea about me...
  9. CBDFarm


    You worded it like you live in Canada "you do realize us canadians DO pay for our health care right?" I like how you call me "ignorant" for all you know I could be Canadian too... LMFAO people assume way too much.
  10. CBDFarm


    I object to the point where I get fined if I don't buy healthcare. We have a FREE market I should be able to CHOOSE if I want it or not. If I go to the hospital I will be billed and pay for it, if you can't that's where it goes to collections and they make there money anyway... I do not like to...
  11. CBDFarm


    Come to America and see our health insurance... Our for profit medical system us outdated. Yours would better suit us for the price we already pay. Most Americans who already had health insurance are paying more now. Yeah those who don't get a benefit, but it fucks everyone else over.
  12. CBDFarm


    And who runs the house now? Republicans... Most people(at least around me) are tired of Obama, and sadly we will most likely see another Republican President.... So they will get the ball rolling. But at least when they do, this shitty act will hopefully be removed.
  13. CBDFarm


    Do you even live on your own? How do you pay more if im not covered? If I don't go to the hospital this year for a ER need how am I making you pay more? Hell even if I do, they BILL YOU, not the taxpayer. Fuck i feel like I am arguing with an adolescent. How am I forced to buy something I don't...
  14. CBDFarm

    New vehicles

    The Nsx should give the Porsche 918 a run for it's money. mmmm Viper
  15. CBDFarm


    Obamacare is retarded, ignorant, more costly, and flat out retarded. My taxes are so high already that if I don't want healthcare I have to pay more? Yeah well fuck you.
  16. CBDFarm

    Madden 16 thread(Xbox one)

    Anyone got the game? Looking to play against some fellow growers. add me motionlessAngel
  17. CBDFarm

    S2000 vs C5 Z06

    Like I said earlier they have a 62/62 kit for 4k, I can go cheaper if I want to piece it together myself and do all the plumbing, but thats a good price for a greddy/turbonetics kit. Kings Performance(AKA S2King) has some good deals and they have the fastest full weight S2000(faster then the...
  18. CBDFarm

    S2000 vs C5 Z06

    Not a mustang fan.Hell I have a chevy(400) swapped in my 27 tbucket haha. The newer 2015 ones sound amazing though.
  19. CBDFarm

    S2000 vs C5 Z06

    No Im looking for honest unbiased opinions something you can't give LOL. They have 5 second Imports just like 5 second Domestic. Hell right now the AMS 2000+ Hp full weight GTRs are killing everything only things to keep up are underground racings Lambos.... Hell Look at the new ford GT its a...
  20. CBDFarm

    S2000 vs C5 Z06

    Generally my own, but I always have friends come to me to tinker or fix something haha. But I don't like to mess around with Euro cars. Way too much work to do anything on those cars.