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  1. man on the moon

    First time grow

    thanks, i appreciate all input what about those others questions i had, any answers for those?
  2. man on the moon

    First time grow

    i'll toss the idea around it just seems more convenient and a little bit easier to be able to grow inside where i'm in control, grow all year too i also won't have to walk half the neighborhood just to get there
  3. man on the moon

    First time grow

    say i do grow outside how often will i have to water and mist them? 2x a day, 3x a day, 4x? isn't it too late to start growing now? i have some forest by my house where i can grow and no one would know, so its a possibility
  4. man on the moon

    First time grow

    really? i was under the impression that anything 95 (which is about everyday) or over would kill them
  5. man on the moon

    First time grow

    thats just an average, it can sometimes reach 100-105 easily
  6. man on the moon

    First time grow

    thanks sooo much cowell and FireOwl, very helpful and useful well i decided that the eletricity isn't a problem, as long as it doesn't go up like $50 or so, we leave things on all the time so it'll be hard to notice i plan on drawing up some design plans for my box within the next couple days...
  7. man on the moon

    First time grow

    haha. . . thanks i've come with a box that will fit in my closet perfectly, my parents would have to really look in my closet to find it, which they wouldn't cause there would be no reason to never underestimate (or overestimate) the power of denial it'll have 3 cfl's, 1 or 2 PC fans for...
  8. man on the moon

    First time grow

    thanks guys for all your input, even yours cowell. . . haha after thinking about it i'll probably do a stealth grow for sure, but how much (estimation) will the set up above be, electric bill wise? i mean how much will the electric bill increase?
  9. man on the moon

    First time grow

    the way my room is set up the plant will be right next to the window, i could even open the window. the only reason i'm growing inside is cause it's sooo damn hot outside, bout 92degrees right now
  10. man on the moon

    First time grow

    yeah, i'm living with parents at the time. . .ugh i'll look into the filters. how do they work?
  11. man on the moon

    First time grow

    hey, so this is my first post! whoop! whoop! . . .but i'm thinking of growing one(1) plant, nothing special just some snicklefritz, in my room, which is 11 x 11, in the corner behind a door where it'll get plenty of light and stay outta sight. my question is, how potent will the smell be...