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  1. C

    ideal way to place seeds in soil

    I did the paper towel germination method and the tap root came out like 1/4 of an inch to an 1/8 of an inch. i read different methods on how to place the seed in soil. i just decided to put them in on their side, not up or down. will this be ok?
  2. C

    how much water and light for seedlings?

    ok cool so no light until they sprout... i know these are basic questions we couldnt figure out how to search questions on this website and we have invested a good amount of $ on this and we want the best growth we can achieve. thanks for everyones help so far!! any other tips or pointers would...
  3. C

    how much water and light for seedlings?

    how many inches should we keep our 600 watt mh bulb from the top of the soil in order to get them to sprout? we dont want to burn them or have it too far away causing them to grow too tall. what is the ideal amount of inches? and like budfever said we should keep the 600 watt at full strength...
  4. C

    how much water and light for seedlings?

    right now we have the light 20 inches from the soil. and again they haven't even sprouted yet. also any cheap tips on raising the humidity? its at 22% right now
  5. C

    how much water and light for seedlings?

    Well we just planted them today, so there is no plant, just the seed in the dirt. How close should we have the 600 watt from the top of the soil? and we should have the light at full power your saying?
  6. C

    how much water and light for seedlings?

    This is me and my roommates first grow. We are wondering how much water our seedlings need and how to tell if its enough or too much? Our soil consists of a soiless organic potting soil 70% coco 20% perlite 10%. We have been using distilled water and a 600 watt mh bulb in a 4x4 sexy grow tent...