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  1. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    haha sorry. i've been really busy with school and they've just been maturing really slowly. the largest cola is about 50% amber hairs and others are 50% or less so i'm waiting a few more days. i'm trying to get my drying box together before harvest. the one topped plant pretty much dominated the...
  2. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    Just started 9 weeks of flowering. The topped plant has some big colas, three of which are the size of soda cans. it's seems to be the farthest along, and has one or two hairs starting to change. The older more lst'd plant is doing very well also but seems to be more evenly spread with the buds...
  3. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    At 5 weeks flowering now. 2 of the 3 plants are budding like crazy, while the third one seems to be hardly budding if not just starting to bud. Just from looking at these buds i'm thinking these are going to be at least 10 week strains. What are your guys thoughts?
  4. imatigr

    What do you think?

    those look freaking awesome, especially under some cfl's, your first grow, and such a small amount of money spent. congrats
  5. imatigr

    Nug's 330w CMH grow (5 types of kush)

    nice grow man. i'm subbed to see how this turns out. you have a great variety of strains in there also.
  6. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    have you used anything other than the cmh? if you have did you notice a drop in temps after the switch? Better yield?
  7. imatigr

    Help me save this Garden!! Shed remodel.

    that's a nice looking grow room. definitely subscribed to see how this turns out
  8. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    Ok coming up on 3 weeks of flowering now. 18 days to be exact. They are really starting to fill out now. The lst'ed plant is really going and the topped one seems to be really stretched. The third plant was tied down once then left to grow. They stretched a lot and started to run out of room so...
  9. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    What's nice about the cmh bulbs is that you can use it for the whole grow, veg and flower. I've also heard that they run a little cooler but I'm not 100% sure about that. I have a standard magnetic ballast for hps...
  10. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    Been flowering for 8 days now. Temps reach a maximum of 81 in the room now, usually hover around 77. Out of 4 plants one has shown signs of male, it has been removed. The biggest one has shown signs of being female and the other two are too early to tell still. I'm hoping bud production picks up...
  11. imatigr

    How to control tempature of air ventalation system

    For the winter you could just use one of those little box heaters in the room. I think that's what most do on here. As for the summer, just keep your grow box in a room that has a/c. Or you could get an a/c unit just for the grow room. And for filter the intake, you can make your own filters or...
  12. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    First day of 12/12 with the 250 HPS and so far no problems. temp is 77 in the room and 82 in the box. ac just got turned on so the box should be under 80 soon. It's running a lot cooler than I originally thought it would
  13. imatigr

    First Grow with 250 watt Hps

    Ok so I ended up LSTing the oldest plant and it has turned into a freaking bush. I also topped one of them and am lsting the other two since they don't have enough nodes for toppping. I am planning on starting flowering monday with the 250 hps. I hope these all turn out to be females. They are...
  14. imatigr

    Buying seeds

    ordered mine from nirvana and got here to the southeast in 10 days
  15. imatigr

    Cutting parts of the plant?

    look up topping and lst
  16. imatigr

    The Art of Glass Plumbing

    did you get to hit that incredibowl sherlock? what was your final opinion on it? i love my m420 and i've always wanted a sherlock pipe, so to get them both in one is awesome to me
  17. imatigr

    Stealth cabnet/locker design! its 1st grow and box so help and adviced needed!!

    i have no clue on any numbers or anything like that. but wwith cfl's buds are usually more airy and light, where as with hps they will be tight and solid
  18. imatigr


    Looks great man. Where did you get gdp seeds from? I thought it was a clone only strain?
  19. imatigr

    My first Grow 2 weeks - 4 days

    they look good man. you going fluorescent the whole grow? what soil are you using? p.s. I like the printer paper on the walls lol
  20. imatigr

    Stealth cabnet/locker design! its 1st grow and box so help and adviced needed!!

    that's same size grow area i use. except i only have one box. You could easily make some filters for your intake vents. I used these cut to fit over my intake to help keep stuff out. As for the cfl's yes they will help keep heat down but your yield would be less. If you go with cfl's you should...