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  1. stonergirl35

    Plant help for virgin grower please? brown spots on leaves

    Guy's let's all load the peace pipe and and get along :mrgreen: :peace:. :joint: I am sure there are many experiments that have been tried and some proved to be good and other's that have failed. Please??? I am a very peaceful person. So please get along in this thread. I don't think I am...
  2. stonergirl35

    Plant help for virgin grower please? brown spots on leaves

    Thank you!! As far as equipment..... I am using the Classic Aerogarden " NASA tested aeroponic technology grows plants in water, nutrients and air – so simply and easily that anyone can succeed. Choose from over 20 different seed kits, from fresh herb varieties to cherry tomatoes, salad greens...
  3. stonergirl35

    Plant help for virgin grower please? brown spots on leaves

    high guys!!!!! Wonder if ya'll can help me out. I'm a virgin grower growing my first plants. I have some in an aerogarden the ones with the brown spots on bottom leaves seems to me to be around the edges. Too much nutrients? not enough? I'm really worried cause it's starting to move to the...