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  1. F

    First Autoflower Any Advice?

    that's cool they are easy imho and the one i got was a freebie so i figured if it died i would learn what not to do again lol
  2. F

    First Autoflower Any Advice?

    don't see why it wouldn't work. only reason for mine being smaller is due to space. i say give it a try and see what happens. i had a lot of people on here tell me no nutes for a couple weeks or longer depending on soil mix. what strain is it
  3. F

    tell me how she looks

    yep i figured just wanted to get the whole grow thing down first then move from there i got a nice 3x3x2 dresser not being used but will be soon also will be upgrading lights and ventilation. just have to do in stages due to money
  4. F

    First Autoflower Any Advice?

    i agree most people are saying 3 gallon is good i believe. i cant remember but if im wrong then that's ok too
  5. F

    First Autoflower Any Advice?

    heres what I did. I germed then place in my final pot im using ffof soil. ran under 24/7 till first true leaves showed then switched to 18/6. i am planning on running this till the end of flower cycle. I read a lot about these and have never grown any photoperiods at all. i read a lot that these...
  6. F

    tell me how she looks

    how about lst on her never grew one before and don't know how tall she will get breeder says up to 60cm in optimal conditions, but looking for realistic ways to work her and max my yield any info on this would help.
  7. F

    tell me how she looks

    hey guys its a bomb thc fem auto. shes only on day 9. got some 5-1-1 fish emulsion for her, gonna start with that really diluted down. this is in a pc case and 3 cfl from walmart, also first grow ever
  8. F

    tell me how she looks

  9. F

    First Autoflower Any Advice?

    this is my first grow at all. mine is a bomb thc auto fem that was a freebie. I put mine in ffof with a peat nest for seed. after germing water for a few hours and stuck it under my cfls. im on day 9 and already have 4 sets of true leaves. I started mine in a 2 liter pot and shes doing good just...
  10. F

    grow journal trouble

    t thx sunni I thought that might be it just wanted to be sure and thx to all the folks here that have helped me with my first grow
  11. F

    grow journal trouble

    hey guys been trying to start a grow journal for my auto grow and tells me I don't have permission to do this can someone help me and tell me what im doing wrong or what I need to do to get this going thx for the help
  12. F

    hey furious I got some questions for you can u send me a pm so that we can talk. I got this...

    hey furious I got some questions for you can u send me a pm so that we can talk. I got this plant rolling good although it is going on week 2 and trying to find nutes. as I don't have the money can I use mg liquid feed really dilutd down to get me buy till I can get some cash let me know I don't...
  13. F

    1st order, intercepted!!! Read

    I ordered thru bonzaseeds they are a pick and choose seed company. I ordered 4 seed and got a couple freebies with my cc. I used their stealth method and arrived in 4 business days. yes am in us on east coast. just be prepared to sign for them and it will take about 20 min to find tem just be...
  14. F

    1st order, intercepted!!! Read

    I went thru bonza seeds with stealth shipping got my order in full in 4 days
  15. F

    thc bomb fem auto strain

    its in a pc case in a 2 liter pot. that's all I had and was the cheapest way for me to try and grow before I shelled out a lot of money. also its only one plant with cfl lights. as I said its cheap and will allow me to have for personal use in the evenings till I can get something bigger
  16. F

    thc bomb fem auto strain

    thanks thanxfor the info it was a freebie and also first grow just wanting to know how tall its gona get I got a micro grow so lst will probably have to be done. I knew the numbers are all in optimal conditions, will probably be more like 70-90 days. what u think?
  17. F

    thc bomb fem auto strain

    hey all was just wondering if anyone has grown this before. and could give some real info on it. breeder says flowering is 65 days from seed. right now I am 1 week from seed and shes happy and healthy. I wanna keep her that way. with autos going thru cycle so quick is it necessary for grow nutes...
  18. F

    new to growin

    so just a little update. got my beans in the soil starter and everything popped out as expected. now I had to remove outer shell of one bean and the other went just fine. I got them transplanted into final pots due to them being autos and I don't wanna stress plants. I didn't pay attention and...
  19. F

    new to growin

    I will just trying to get shopping done so I have what I need to get started. thx for the input
  20. F

    new to growin

    ok ill give it a try with this being first grow just trying to get what works and is within a small budget. I know some folks that use it and they swear by it. I can also get a sample of it from them to try before I buy