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  1. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    the way the court system works the judge is going to just reschedule hearing till your 6 months is up xD they will take the 500 out of your books bro plus a single ticket put you out of a legal cannabis job
  2. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    a normal size basement is smaller than 100 sq ft xD how many plants can you fit into a house o.o ?
  3. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    pretty much the judge isnt saying shit to you though xD if your charged with intent your serving your time before you even get charged in my state
  4. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    its like 6 months in county jail xD long time to be sober
  5. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    the plant itself can not produce more than an ounce by legal requirement. my last grow was under a oz from a dispensary clone.
  6. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    for example my county limits it to six plants for rec users. xD depend on the law its sketchy wording i seen local arrest over people trying to grow more than 6 plants as a rec user
  7. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    there been court cases since the law pass bro :3 like for example a open container isnt a reclosed zip lock baggie as long as its closeed before the cop pulls up its a closed container under the law. my state anyways
  8. F

    legal cannabis jobs

    I used to be a farm worker before cannabis become legal in my state, i remember normal life xD
  9. F

    magic mushroom spore/syringe shipped to ca ?

    makes me wonder where one is suppose to get mushroom without growing them yourself :( my journey will not end here though im on a quest for a magic mushroom xD
  10. F

    legal cannabis jobs

    I been a bud tender/ delivery driver they had me driving all over the state just to deliver a 8th of weed per customer Dx do you have to pass a background check like in the states out there ?
  11. F

    hydroponic (indoor) vs outdoor (soil) grow

    there a summer discount going on its over 100 bucks :) thank you for the rec
  12. F

    magic mushroom spore/syringe shipped to ca ?

    are magic mushroom spore or syringe cultures for research use sold or shipped in ca ? it was recently decriminalized has the law change on cultivation of spore in ca usa ?
  13. F

    hydroponic (indoor) vs outdoor (soil) grow

    i like the drain and flow system :3 im going to buy it xD
  14. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    im trying to grow it as hemp for legal reasons ;3
  15. F

    legal cannabis jobs

    whats your legal cannabis jobs ? anyone outside the usa that works in the legal/tolerated trade ?
  16. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    i could do it on my window sill to be honest it would be a nicer way to grow some herb
  17. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    it took a while to figure it out but im ready to start growing again within the next two months going for auto flowers havent decided on what strains ill be growing.
  18. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    tricky wording huh :) ?
  19. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    the doctor rec says 99 but he can argue you need more so its by canopy size not plant count. no one really its legal bs. only a lawyer or judge would really care.
  20. F

    ounce limit (plant)

    you laugh but the science would tell the gov it makes sense since cannabis can be 20 ft tall in the wild but around 7 ft in domestic strains.