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  1. J

    Is my plant dying.

    What kind of nutrient solution would you recommend?
  2. J

    Is my plant dying.

    This is the best it looked before the spiral
  3. J

    Is my plant dying.

    Does it look like it could be light burn?
  4. J

    Is my plant dying.

    I just did some digging, and it's looking like it may be light burn. I do have my plants directly under the cfls, but I was told cfls wont burn plants. Based on the picture does it look more like light burn, or a nutrient deficiency?
  5. J

    Is my plant dying.

    My Og Kush strain has been in the soil 5 weeks, and I feel like it keeps having set backs, but then it comes back strong. Now it is looking especially frail. It is currently directly under 2 23 watt cfl lights on an 18/6 cycle. It is getting water when needed, and the soil is organic potting...
  6. J

    Is my plant ok?

    Hello all, I have an og kush strain which has been in the ground for about 5 weeks now. It started off slow due to the fact I don't think I was watering enough. Now I think it is back on track. My question is when should I start (if not should I have started already) giving it nutes. Also it is...
  7. J

    Does my plant look ok?

    ok. what soil would you guys reccommend?
  8. J

    Does my plant look ok?

    I was seriously misting it and not giving it even close to what it needed. So, their was never any drainage so my plant got off to a rough start. I was so afraid to overwater but than I found out that overwater means to water too often. Now when I water I water until 10% drainage and my plant is...
  9. J

    Does my plant look ok?

    No, I bought it
  10. J

    Does my plant look ok?

    temp is like 75 all day, I have 3 23 watt cfl light bulbs a few inches from it. It's in Lamberts organic potting mix. I have a fan that oscillates on it. The cycle is 18/6.
  11. J

    Does my plant look ok?

    The light was right on top of the plant, I have since moved it to be about 2-3 inches away. I have 3 decent size holes in the bottom
  12. J

    Does my plant look ok?

    Hey folks, my OG Kush strain has been in the ground for exactly 1 month now, and it looks healthy, however is growing a little on the slower side. It took 4 days for the first set of true leaves to come in, and than another week or so for the 2nd. there was a little bit of curling and slower...
  13. J

    Plant check up

    Hey folks, my OG Kush strain has been in the ground for exactly 1 month now, and it looks healthy, however is growing a little on the slower side. It took 4 days for the first set of true leaves to come in, and than another week or so for the 2nd. there was a little bit of curling and slower...
  14. J

    Help with my plant please

    What kind of fertilizer should I get?
  15. J

    Help with my plant please

    It is in a 1 gallon container. I am using Lamberts organic potting mix
  16. J

    Help with my plant please

    im going to drop it to two lights and move if further away. But what kind of nutrients should I get for my plant?
  17. J

    Help with my plant please

    ok thanks again
  18. J

    Help with my plant please

    OK I will, and thanks again guys. So should I go with an 18/6 cycle? and I will post a pic in a week
  19. J

    Help with my plant please

    OK I will thank you
  20. J

    What am I doing wrong? please help

    Sorry guys, I just wanted an immediate answer because I really dont want my plant to die lol