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  1. J


    My plant has been in the soil for 7 days now. I watered it on the first day and was told not to water as long as the soil is moist as too much water can easily kill a plant. I am surprised that the soil is still moist and I am afraid that my plant won't get enough water since its going on a week...
  2. J

    Flimsy stem help please

    the first original stem of my og kush strain appears to be a little flimsy and weak. The plant is not sagging it just looks like it is not secure. How can I tell if it is indeed too flimsy and what is the best way to strengthen it?
  3. J


    Those first two leaves that are only responsible for providing nutrients until the fan leaves grow in, as they wither and die should I snip them off or just leave them be?(no pun intended.) Also the cotyledons actually appear to be in better shape today then yesterday. They aren't curled as much...
  4. J

    type of nutrients

    My OG Kush strain is now on day 8. I germinated for 3 and it is going on day 5 in the soil. It looks like it's coming along nice. The first set of fan leaves have grown in and the 2 embryo leaves are turning dark which I have been told is normal. My question is am I supposed to be adding...
  5. J

    wattage question

    Unfortunately I do not have a top of the line grow setup. I am on a limited budget and am a first time grower. I currently have a 60W CFL with like 1550 lumens for my seedling. This is the highest I could find in my area. My question is can I buy a 2nd or 3rd light bulb and will this be...
  6. J

    Help with baby plant

    Also, I am hearing it is normal for the first set to wither and die. Should I cut them off or just leave them be?
  7. J

    Help with baby plant

    Thank you so much for the advice guys. So the consensus is my plant looks fine but I should get some more air. Also should I be using plant food like fertilizer for nitrogen and stuff? I have the light directly over the plant but the plant didnt feel to hot so I am guessing it is an ok distance?
  8. J

    Help with baby plant

    Hello all, this is my first grow and I am in need of help. I have 1 OG kush plant which I placed about a half inch deep in organic soil. I watered it twice in 3 days lightly just to get the soil moist. It is directly under a 60 W cfl which is equivalent to 150W. IT has been in the soil for 3...