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  1. TheMightyThrax

    First SCROG Attempt

    Naa man. That would fry my shit Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Rollitup mobile app
  2. TheMightyThrax

    First SCROG Attempt

    Just wanted to post a pic of my first try with scrog. Currently experiencing a N deficiency, but she'll be back on track in a week or so Its only 1 plant in a 2x4 box, so its nothing big time. I've got her in a 2 gallon bucket with water changes every 7 days. Using GH Flora series nutes with a...
  3. TheMightyThrax

    yellow leaves during flower

    Greasemonkeyman, I do have 2 small fans as intake under the screen Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Rollitup mobile app
  4. TheMightyThrax

    yellow leaves during flower

    We'll I changed her water last night and used the Week 5 Flower nute amounts (1ml of gro, 4ml of micro and 6ml of bloom). If she doesn't start to level out in the next few days, I'll add more gro and see if that helps
  5. TheMightyThrax

    yellow leaves during flower

    Strain is Blue Mystic. Listed as 7-9 week flower period. I'm using GH Flora Series nutes. Following this feeding chart I'm using a 2 gallon bucket, so I'm following the charts 1-gallon full strength amounts. It equals out to half-strength for my setup. If...
  6. TheMightyThrax

    yellow leaves during flower

    I'm not sure what's going on, but it looks to be a N deficiency. Can anyone confirm? This is week 5 of flower