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  1. The Green Escape

    DWC under current with sun pulse spinning lights SCROG or SOG style

    that sounds like a good setup. the lights never really build up heat cuz the airflow over the bulbs. im running 6000 watts + in my flower room and i ran the lights for 24 hours with out my fans or ac on and the room never went over 85. try that without the lights moving and your room temps will...
  2. The Green Escape

    Current Culture???

    The 8 system cost me $950 and the 16 cost a lil under $1300 but i also had some things custom made for mine like the lids tubing and extra pumps and i didnt have to pay for shipping because i picked them up directly from the manufacturer. only downside is they are a pain in the ass to put together
  3. The Green Escape

    Current Culture???

    I just recently bought an 8 site and 2 16 sites and im getting ready to use them to there full potential. i'll have a thread on the grow as soon as its going. i pick up my 16's tonight im so stoked. i have a couple friends who run it and they love it saves money on nutes from what im told.
  4. The Green Escape

    hey yeah definitely will keep you up to date everything is supposed to be here by the end of the...

    hey yeah definitely will keep you up to date everything is supposed to be here by the end of the week so i hope to have some greenery in there in about 2 weeks and i'll start a thread so i can update whats goin on and get feedback too cuz im a newb to this but im going all out. look up under...
  5. The Green Escape

    Advanced Nutrients Micro Bloom, Connisseur, Sensi 2 part, or 100% Organic? Which one?

    thanks bushmang thats some good info. what kind of system are you using. im gonna be using the undercurrent dwc system. and im gonna have over 6000 watts in there. check out this link to see what i've got so far this is just the flower room its gonna have to of th uc 16's...
  6. The Green Escape

    Sensi Grow/Bloom Question

    So laser you didnt use anything except the sensi 2 part big bud and overdrive? killer nugs... im starting my first hydro and im goin with the sensi 2 part and i've been curious on what else to get with it cuz everything together is outrageously expensive. and im sure theres quite a few things i...
  7. The Green Escape

    Advanced Nutrients Micro Bloom, Connisseur, Sensi 2 part, or 100% Organic? Which one?

    yeah thats what i've been leaning towards my other concern that i've been reading up on is that their nutrient calculator is off and people who follow it tend to nute burn there plants. i was wondering if anyone else knew of a good program to follow or a revamped calc for advanced nutes. thanks...
  8. The Green Escape

    5 strain BP grow 400w. HID

    Hey purp im just hoppin in to the hydro buzz but i've been told not to run different strains in the same system but it looks like thats what your doin. not to many problems with that?
  9. The Green Escape

    DWC under current with sun pulse spinning lights SCROG or SOG style
  10. The Green Escape

    Advanced Nutrients Micro Bloom, Connisseur, Sensi 2 part, or 100% Organic? Which one?

    Im set on using products on advanced nutrients through what i've heard but which advanced nutrient product would someone recommend... Grow Micro Bloom, Connisseur, Sensi 2 part, 100% organic or a combination? im trying to make up my mind but a few opinions would be appreciated. Im gonna be...
  11. The Green Escape

    First DWC grow... Recommended strains, nutrients, etc???

    heres some pics of the flower room and a video of the lights running i havent received my under current systems yet but they should be in this week. check it out so far and tell me what you think
  12. The Green Escape

    DWC under current with sun pulse spinning lights SCROG or SOG style

    heres some pics and video of the flowering room lights i havent got my under current systems in yet i got pictures of them off the website. they're all at this link. the 2 uc 16's are gonna have 2 pots per bucket and the uc 8 is going to have 4...
  13. The Green Escape

    First DWC grow... Recommended strains, nutrients, etc???

    hi there i am starting up a growroom with 1 under current 8 system for veg with quantumn t5 bad boy 600 watt flouro lights and flowering in 2 under current 16 setups lit by 2 - 2 arm spinners w/ 600 watt bulbs and 2 - 4 arm spinners w/ 400 watt bulbs and 4 - 150 watt sun pulse side lights for...
  14. The Green Escape

    DWC under current with sun pulse spinning lights SCROG or SOG style

    hi there i am starting up a growroom with 1 under current 8 system for veg with quantumn t5 bad boy 600 watt flouro lights and flowering in 2 under current 16 setups lit by 2 - 2 arm spinners w/ 600 watt bulbs and 2 - 4 arm spinners w/ 400 watt bulbs and 4 - 150 watt sun pulse side lights for...