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  1. W

    Scrogging an autoflower outdoors

    Scrogging an autoflower outdoors...has this been done and any success?
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    Inda-gro Induction...

    Hi Cali, sounds like honest words from you. I got the quote from Suzhou Jolighting. There are so many manufacturers and they all look the same (or at least their pictures). I think they all steal everyone's technology, I'm not sure if they have any regards for patents. You make a compelling...
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    Inda-gro Induction...

    I just received a quote for induction lighting from some company on Alibaba for 500 watt fixtures (5 veg and 25 bloom) for $10,200, shipping is another $500-$600, plus some import fees on my end...about $375 per fixture. I have no idea if these lights will even work (or for how long). Quality...
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    Inda-gro Induction...

    I'm limited to sq. ft., but it's huge. I think my major limitation is electricity. That is why I'm looking to find out if induction lighting would be successful on a larger scale than most grow rooms. I need to make a shopping list but I don't know what to buy.
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    Inda-gro Induction...

    Hi Chaz, thanks for the welcome. I'm a Washington grower (or will be...jumping through the hoops), so I will be legal. I don't know what will happen up here in regards to the price of marijuana (will it go down because everyone like me is growing?) so my ROI might take longer. Plan B is to...
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    Inda-gro Induction...

    Hi Loon, I'm familiar with raised bed gardening (dirt), but I'm really interested in hydro, RDWC specifically. I am hoping for larger plants. I have a big room that I could dedicate (600+ square feet), I could probably come up with 100 amps @240vt. So I would guess that would be my limiting...
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    any cost/benefit analysis done on HID vs. Induction lighting?

    Hmmm...I gotta buy some lights and want to do it cost effectively but also correctly.
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    any cost/benefit analysis done on HID vs. Induction lighting?

    Hello All, I have never grown indoors so please forgive my ignorance. This is more of a economics question: Has there been any cost/benefit analysis done on HID vs. Induction lighting (yield vs. cost of ownership)? I’ve read there is a larger yield (size and weight) on HID but then you need...
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    Inda-gro Induction...

    Hello All, I have never grown indoors so please forgive myignorance. This is more of a “business”question: Has there been any cost/benefit analysis done on HID vs.Induction lighting (yield vs. cost of ownership)? I’ve read there is a larger yield (size and weight) on...
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    I am looking for a Serious Grow Room Design

    Thanks, I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate through this site.
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    I am looking for a Serious Grow Room Design

    Hi all, I would like some ideas in designing a serious growroom (but I don’t want to go overboard). This will be a legal grow room (WA I-502) so I don’t have to beconcerned with odors or being in stealth mode. Climate is mild but does get down to freezing for a few weeks and itrains a lot here...