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  1. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    for sure homie.
  2. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    do whatyou just said man. flush with that bad water or what not and use the rest on the other 2 plants
  3. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    you like that for bagseed? check this out. even more amazing. imusing my tapp water lol. haha crazy shit right. i DGAF! lol and not using no nutrients cuz im broke as a motherfucker
  4. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    lol here some pics before lights go out. i sprayed her with sme water. she loves does she look. shes a wet bitch;]:joint:
  5. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    lucky bastard. send me some:]
  6. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    ya with all the plants togther. so wecould see witch ones we like:]
  7. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    well yo. take some more pics of them. then ill deside witch one i like. lol. and deffentaly(shit i cant spell im sooo higH) it will get you hgh. like i said maybe 200-350+ grams yo. all plants together then yes. but take some new pics.
  8. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    damn man. that sucks she probally cant open her mouth huh. sucks for you man. cant get no head for a while. haha just messin with you!
  9. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    damn jlstiffy thats shit is sick wit it cant wait to get my 400watt hps going. then ima have some bomb ass shit!
  10. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    an who said she cant smoke. tell her to blaze it up she will feel better lol
  11. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    man there gonna be wonderingwhat is this kid gonna be growing. he aint growing roses haha. fuk em if they cant take a joke lol
  12. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    ights i will. where would i beable to find plant food at in homedepot. cuz i was in there today an ididntsee shit but 50 differet kinds of soil
  13. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    your girlfriend? i got all 4 of my yanked. it was soofuckd. but when i got home i smoked like 8 bowls lol haha
  14. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    the leafs are getting to that point. tiny brown tips.:( and my buddy uses roses and flowerfood in his soil and shit is dank as fuck.
  15. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    so you think if i get some mircle grow rose flower food it will do anthing good? or should i just let her go with out nutrients and see what happeneds?
  16. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    shit if i could barrow some money to get some nutrients then be my guesthaha. naw im just kiddin. but im not using no nutrients. i hop the bud is stillgood
  17. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    oh shit. idk mine is like fuckin likeummm haha imhigh. but its like indica too. i wannaget some sativa soo badly. just to try it haha....i think my plant is gonna die tho.
  18. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    well shit yo. i got faith for you man. your gonna weightout about maybe 315.9. write that down and see if thats right when you weight it all out.
  19. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    thats fuckin hott. was that sativa?
  20. [BionicChronic]

    Transplanting During Flowering!

    thats the sickest idea iever heard. fuckin stoners haha. i love it, ima defffinantly gona try that.