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  1. JT1

    can any one please help me

    never mind please found it thank you
  2. JT1

    sorry I can not find how to do private I have a head injufy and have a very hard time just with...

    sorry I can not find how to do private I have a head injufy and have a very hard time just with this but thank you and way and best of luck with yours
  3. JT1

    I have a very beautiful mango tango really beautiful but unfortunately just found male. so was...

    I have a very beautiful mango tango really beautiful but unfortunately just found male. so was hoping to see if any one would consider swap male clone for female clone in case any one else want to make seeds
  4. JT1

    thank you

    thank you
  5. JT1

    do you know sex yet

    do you know sex yet
  6. JT1

    I am sorry if I ma bother you

    I am sorry if I ma bother you
  7. JT1

    did your mango tango ok

    did your mango tango ok
  8. JT1

    New at LED

    ok thank you so much again. from this I looked for google vero and found this but I can not understand what watts are or how many to need I think if I get money back for return it will be about 100 can any one tell me...
  9. JT1

    New at LED

    thank you so much I have no more money so have to wait I thik thy say 4 weeks to get here to returen for money back to get other ones. know not the best but to cloudy for window to work ok can not do hps any more do you thing this new plan is any sense or just to retarded or any better idea for...
  10. JT1

    New at LED

    ok thank you seem like better way to do if I do 8 of these 1/2 cool and 1/2 warm and 8 of these
  11. JT1

    New at LED

    I thank so many for talking here. I think people tell me not to say it but I feel like I need to explain. I have a head injury an have a very hard time with a lot of things now and am sorry if I am a pain for any of you. I used to be able to do a lot I can tell you when computers first came out...
  12. JT1

    New at LED

    thank you but I search for Lohas 100W arrays and says none found here
  13. JT1

    New at LED

    I know not best but do you think may be at least ok
  14. JT1

    New at LED

    I think because all I had for money and revues seem most ok I hope
  15. JT1

    New at LED

    I bout 4 of these and for them 4 of these and 4 of these but not sure what...
  16. JT1

    1st Grow - journal and all help appreciated

    100 ppm flora grow and micro just started maybe yesterday or day before?
  17. JT1

    1st Grow - journal and all help appreciated

    Was just looking at my pictures and remembr that that is tag #1 that was stuck in seed shell for at least 3 days. Finally came off but did not look like it would live looked very bad but fast got bigger than otheres. Could that be why those 2 leaves have those spots? They were trying to grow...
  18. JT1

    1st Grow - journal and all help appreciated

    Ok, I think most are doing ok at 1 week but seem very slow and small to me so please let me know if that is normal or because of me. All have 2nd set of real? leaves some 3rd and a few of them have roots in to the water. The biggest one unfortunatly has some dark spots on the oldset biggest...
  19. JT1

    1st Grow - journal and all help appreciated

    First please understand that I have a head injury and memory and confusion are problems as well as pain. You can be mean if you want I can handle it but I just wanted you all to know this so you know that I may be missing a lot or doing things wrong and hope you will let me know to help me try...
  20. JT1

    One and 2 days old - How do they look to you all please?

    Ha and that is with a magnifying glass in front fo the camera lens