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  1. T

    First time coco disaster!

    Hi, So last night I decided to have a go with using coco for the first time. Seeing as though I have a disposable strawberry and melon plant I though they would act as ideal test victims. I hydrated the coco with a solution of 0.8 EC Sensi Grow nutes and RO and transplanted my plants before...
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    Fuck , Broke a stem where the bud was starting to grow LOOK ...

    also u wont have one big top cola shadowing the lower branches.
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    Advanced Nutrients Noob

    Im glad to help. The ones currently getting 7.5ml are about 85cm tall, sorry i cant say how many nodes off the top. There naturally bushy plants. Id say its not advisable to judge feed strength on height alone as the plants genetics could mean its short yet really bushy therefore more mass...
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    Is it possible to have too much airflow to the bottom of your bucket?

    The roots should dehydrate stop growing then branch up furthur up, jus dont do what i once did n but hydroton at the bottom. Some say it works but its bullshit, i hated pulling it n seeing how many roots were being wasted growing round them!
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    wanna see some good molly?

    MDMA all the way!
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    how does overcast relate to full on sun?

    Dam right, nothing beats the sun!
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    Help with compost tea

    Hi, im pretty new to this and yet to make my own tea. But from researching iv read this regarding phosphorus and mycorrhizeal fungi "A bad part about mycrorrhizeal fungi is they don't like phosphorus at all!!! High phosphorus will prevent infection and if teh host is infected it will reduce...
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    Advanced Nutrients Noob

    I use the same mother earth super tea grow/bloom. Really how often u use it depends on how often u need to water them. With mine outdoors, evaporation is so slow i only water roughtly each week so i feed them with each watering. Otherwise i start to see a nitrogen def. If ur indoors i imagine ul...
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    female pre-flowers

    I've got a couple bag seed plants outdoors atm and some of these are already visable. I noticed them about 2 weeks ago and they havnt grown since. Is it possible/normal for a plant to show preflowers so far from flowering? I understand the relationship between dark periods hormones and...