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  1. DonnieDanko

    Grow Room Setup

    I'm also planning on using a 400w, still trying to decide if I should do a DTF DWC or Aero DWC.. I think I'm going to section off the lower part of the attic for clones/early veg, and keep it perpetual. Still trying to wrap my head around everything before I jump the gun and make mistakes as far...
  2. DonnieDanko

    Reservoir DIY Or What's The Dilly...

    Has anyone had good experience with the SuperPonic 8 or 16? I never saw anything good about them but I saw good things about the StealthHydro Bubbleponics.. Looks like the SuperPonic is even better then the StealthHydro (as far as build quality/system) so I couldnt imagine it being worse.
  3. DonnieDanko

    Reservoir DIY Or What's The Dilly...

    Thats what I'm worried about.. people say clean once a week but with all individual buckets that could be time consuming if im starting with say 6-8 plants... And the adding water part seems it would be easier with a reservoir especially with the lower profile setup I have to make due too height...
  4. DonnieDanko

    Reservoir DIY Or What's The Dilly...

    I've seen it so many times dude! So much meaning to it I love it.. Unfortunately it came out around 9/11 so everyone was too distracted to know about it although it does have a following more so in the UK.
  5. DonnieDanko

    Reservoir DIY Or What's The Dilly...

    Not sure yet, it's my first build so I don't want to get TOO fancy I just want to get growing! But I also want ease of maintenance... Decisions decisions..
  6. DonnieDanko

    Reservoir DIY Or What's The Dilly...

    Ahh ok so if I where to go with the aero sprayers then I wouldn't need the air stones?
  7. DonnieDanko

    Reservoir DIY Or What's The Dilly...

    Hey all, Been looking to set up my system and reading on here a lot! My question is should I set up a reservoir system for ease of maintenance or just have separate? I'm asking cause it seems that having separate spots with multiple air stones would provide better oxygen for the plants vs a...
  8. DonnieDanko

    Grow Room Setup

    Hey all! Looking to set up a grow room in the attic, been reading on here like crazy last few days. My prob is the attic height is only 4'5" and slopes down (roof) 30 degrees. So 2 feet in the height is 3'9". I will section off the grow space with Mylar. Will that be good with HID lights...
  9. DonnieDanko

    Waddup yall

    Thanks, I like this place been reading and learning a lot so far
  10. DonnieDanko

    Waddup yall

    Cool, thanks will def read through that too, much appreciated! I know I will make mistakes but hopefully with good planning I can minimize my errors.
  11. DonnieDanko

    Waddup yall

    Hell yea, I got a small size attic I'm working with that has an angled ceiling cause of the roof. I'll def keep you posted! Thinking of getting a bunch of Mylar sheets to section it off, not sure yet. Looking forward to seeing your setup too!
  12. DonnieDanko

    Waddup yall

    Hey there! Been reading this forum for the past couple days decided to introduce myself. Still doing research to put together a good system for growing, wish me luck! :joint: