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  1. viciousesque

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Woa. Symbioses. Beautiful. But, if roots can't live without shoots, and shoots can't live without roots, what came first, roots or shoots? Think about it. It'll make you go 'woa'.
  2. viciousesque

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Yikes, 33% of foliage can be pruned on healthy plants?! I definitely could not sustain a 33% loss of my biomass. What tough little ladies they are. Thanks for info. I'll definitely be a bit more aggressive tonight, and hit them with a 24 hour cycle for a couple of days per your suggestion...
  3. viciousesque

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Thanks Spliff! I'm working on lollipopping now, but figured I shouldn't take more than ten percent of the growth off at a time. Since I did no pruning at all until about seven days ago I'm giving the girls a couple days to recover between pruning sessions. I'll be taking another set of three...
  4. viciousesque

    Inda-gro Induction...

    Hello "Inda-gro Induction" thread! I just wanted to chime in as a n00b grower who took the plunge into electro magnetic light generation. Like a lot of folks I simply could not run HID lights. My number one issue with HID is that I am constrained by the wattage I can draw at my location...
  5. viciousesque

    Magnets, bitches!

    Magnets, bitches!