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  1. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    Well things seem to be going well, will be a few more weeks before I can say if I'm really noticing a difference in buds though. Anyone else wanna jump in? Anyone with a chiller and experiences welcome! Also don't hate but right now I have all 4 chillers in the grow room... The minisplit...
  2. Slimjimham

    4000 watt 4xxl undercurrent in 10x12 grow shed pocs

    That looks great!!! Good work!
  3. Slimjimham

    4000 watt 4xxl undercurrent in 10x12 grow shed pocs

    @wyomingbarber how much calmag are you using per gallon? What is the ppm of your starting tap and the tap water plus the calmag? Also what brand calmag are you using? Looks great!!! Give me more insight in your ppms... Week 1-3flower ppm Week4-6 flower ppm Week 7-9 flower ppm How long are...
  4. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    Very cool! Looking forward to seeing improvements! Talked to the current culture guys and they are adamant that it's an essential part of the setup
  5. Slimjimham

    Bodhi Testers!

    @blowincherrypie the gg4xa11g is fire!!!! She's a long term keeper for sure! Sadly bodhi isn't going to do an official release he said since brogrims is back on the scene and using it... Something like that, too bad because she's amazing! Glad I have her!
  6. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    Crap now I feel like I just wasted my money ha... But why wouldn't healthier roots man healthier plants, we'll see I guess. It hasn't seemed to done much for plants mid to late flower but plants early flower seem to have much thicker whiter roots. I was hoping for increased yield on the...
  7. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    Mannnn, I just wanna talk chillers ha. So I just ordered another one for veg... That leaves me with one veg system without.... I have 10 sites in veg (4 site/ 6 site) I'll order the other one soon I'm sure, just don't really need it since water is 64 in that room this time of year... Fedex guy...
  8. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    I hear ya @ttystikk but when talking root rot its not what I think I had because I think of it as the brown slime... I use uc roots to combat that and use as a preventative but my roots were also a cream color at the end and many roots tore fairly easily when pulling on them after harvest...
  9. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    So can anyone else say, will definitely notice a difference with a chiller (yield, quality?) Or may not notice a difference it's more insurance...? I understand the disolved oxygen increase. But from 75* to 66* I think it's something like it goess from 8, to 9 units of...
  10. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    @ttystikk let's see some pictures of this setup man!
  11. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    We'll I said fuck it and bought two more chillers today, so now all my flowering systems will be on chillers... Now I prob need to buy one for veg ha jeeeez. There goes a G but water feels nice and cold ha
  12. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    I dont have an issue with rot that im aware of, roots just have a cream color and could be healthier, but no rot... Hope it might help if plants too warm from light beeing a bit too close since they will be drinking nice cold water... I hope increased oxygen also improves plants
  13. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    Anyone else have a I installed a chiller and..... Stories?
  14. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    Like I said, I think my temps are mid to low 70's without... So not sure a chiller is going to make much difference... Thinking more preventative?...
  15. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    Did you notice a yield increase over not having one?
  16. Slimjimham

    anyone go from not using chiller to using one?

    Just curious what to expect, I just installed a chiller on one if my systems, been running current culture rdwc for a bit over a year without one. Just installed one on a system to see how the results go. Wondering if the plants get notably happier with a few degrees cooler. So anyone...
  17. Slimjimham

    best root products to keep roots healthy?

    Uc roots works amazing... if you have issues put likr 5-10ml per gallon... youll see new white growth in a day, its 1-2 mil per gallon if not having issues... they say its diluted pool shock (hypocloric(sp?) acid)
  18. Slimjimham

    Gorilla Glue #4

    I have a bodhi tester thats not going to be released because the inability to use a11g anymore But gg4 x a11g.... shits FIRE, some of the best ive ever grown. Hands down, just looks a+++ Too bad it wont be released to the masses he said (he mentioned maybe very limited release of beans left...
  19. Slimjimham

    bodhi seeds

    Anxiously waiting for the mail today. I'm on the far east coast though so guessing you cats who already got the testers are on the west coast near the b fam... Good things come to those who wait, but it's kinda like opening a christmas gift... What did I get! Ha Seriously whats the list of...
  20. Slimjimham

    ever use magical butter machine?

    Just made another effortless batch of muffins with the mb machine... This thing has gotten so much use and I love it when a friend says "I've never gotten high off an edible" it's like a bad challenge I know I'll win ha So I can attest to this thing being quality. I've run it a LOT. Anyone...