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  1. Uncle Reefer

    Constant nute burn @ Low EC

    go buy a cheap laser thermometer and go point it at everything, take notes try with and without foil , do it for science. This will teach you a ton
  2. Uncle Reefer

    Constant nute burn @ Low EC

    I guess ideally you could use something like a space blanket as a top cover, this would get rid of the worst of the radiant heat. Like one of those little foil survival blankets
  3. Uncle Reefer

    Constant nute burn @ Low EC

    your ambient temp will transfer into your root zone and your roots will be too hot. A great way to think of growing anything really is that you are not growing the green bits on top, you are growing the white bits underneath. If the roots are ideal everything else will work itself out (within...
  4. Uncle Reefer

    Constant nute burn @ Low EC

    I would also put something reflective white on top of those totes to keep some of the light heat out of the totes
  5. Uncle Reefer

    Constant nute burn @ Low EC

    I will say your root temps are too warm. Lower your ambient until the temps at the bottom of your pots average around 72, or figure out a way to cool off the root zone without adjusting the ambient. Plus cover up that rockwool or you will get a green sludgy mess
  6. Uncle Reefer

    Does a little rot/mold render a whole cola bad?

    cut it off and the clean looking bud beside it, you should be fine. Do whatever you can to get rid of humidity after sundown and while it is cooling off, that looks like a dewpoint issue to me. The humidity around the plant is higher than the dew point of the temp of the air and plant
  7. Uncle Reefer

    Best 2-4 ton mini split or HVac on the market?

    Thank you for stepping up and giving me the guidance, I will look into these but especially the Carrier, as my problem right now ironically is that I can't get enough heat into the room. With all the gear running plus a space heater, I can only get to 82 degrees by the end of the day. I need to...
  8. Uncle Reefer

    Best 2-4 ton mini split or HVac on the market?

    I am looking into a new ac unit and was hoping to get some advice from some folk that have recently done all their homework already. Sorta look over your shoulder and save myself some legwork. What is the most efficient and/or quietest mini split or HVAC on the market in the 2-4 ton range...
  9. Uncle Reefer

    The pros here to help or take the piss!!????

    I would say don't put everyone in the same box, everyone has good days and bad ,some want to help some don't or don't have time. No one owes anyone anything. That being said the growing world is much more generous with their time and advice than any other trade I have ever known of. Also how...
  10. Uncle Reefer

    Are optics worth it on qbs? Please help

    I just wrote this in another thread so I cut and paisted it here for you, I just want to add, I wouldn't use lenses if you can avoid it. If you get flying nats at any point in your grow they will fly into the space between the lens and the cob, die and pile up on the inside of the...
  11. Uncle Reefer

    Diy cree cxb3590 3500k help please

    What ever you get, you will be very happy with, these are all very good products, I will leave the Value per dollar to smarter folk than me.
  12. Uncle Reefer

    Diy cree cxb3590 3500k help please

    I like them, they get the light out of my eye line,
  13. Uncle Reefer

    Diy cree cxb3590 3500k help please

    I just want to add, I wouldn't use lenses if you can avoid it. If you get flying nats at any point in your grow they will fly into the space between the lens and the cob, die and pile up on the inside of the lens, eventually, the corpses make a hot spot and melt through the lens leaving black...
  14. Uncle Reefer

    C02 and air exchange in flower

    It would depend on your source of co2, bottled I wouldn't worry about it, burning NG is fine for most strains, however, more strains seem to be sensitive to burning propane. What propane is, can be different from tank to tank and region to region. So your NOX and other burn compounds from the...
  15. Uncle Reefer

    Bad worms?

    noted ... going forward, you'll never get help from me. Good luck with your worms
  16. Uncle Reefer

    Bad worms?

    Your question was answered, .....I made a joke... you didnt get it... Maybe its time you cut back on the pcp..
  17. Uncle Reefer

    Bad worms?

    There are no bad worms, just bad owners.
  18. Uncle Reefer


    yes, but you will need amino acids and fulvic acids to break it up and make it available to the plant. Calcium carbonate is unavailable to the plant without help. Worms, bugs bacteria and fungi will help break it up as well.
  19. Uncle Reefer

    Shorting out Breaker for safety

    I see your points. What I am trying to take into account is the possibility of a stuck main relay. If emergency thermostat trips the big relay but the big relay is welded closed, because of heat or fire or whatever, then my emergency thermostat won't kill the power. If we have the thermostat cut...
  20. Uncle Reefer

    Shorting out Breaker for safety

    I have a question for a knowledgeable sparkie, or system designer. I want to have an emergency cut off in my room, in case of fire or overheat. My question is does anyone ever design a system that will have a relay short out red to black on a 240 circuit? What I am thinking is having a...