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  1. LOLusernames

    My 1st Ever Grow - Purple Kush and Ak47 (both auto balcony grows)

    Hi rollitup growers, just looking for some advice / opinions on time frames and how my seedlings are doing so far. My seedlings are both planted in 'BioBizz light mix soil' and are about 16 days since germination. 1 is a purple kush the other Ak47 (got them mixed up when germination so not sure...
  2. LOLusernames

    Easyryder on the Balcony - SoCal

    Looks Very nice! I'm growing an AK47 and a Purple Kush. One plant (I didn't label so I don't know which one) looks really healthy and the other slightly smaller and less developed with more yellowy centered leaves. Not sure what its problem is since they are in identical situations. hope you get...
  3. LOLusernames

    Easyryder on the Balcony - SoCal

    Could you give a few approximate ages of the plant from those photos? Im doing a similar grow, supplemented with cfls when there is no sun (my balcony only gets about 5 hours of sun). My seedlings are only 2 weeks old and they are about the size of your second picture. When did u start fertilizing?