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  1. enclaved

    Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow

    They're almost at 4 weeks now, I was planning on doing 5 weeks or so. But I'm gonna see if I can't hold off a few extra days and let the runts in the batch play catch up after I find a better way to tie down the tall one. I was planning to switch to my 150w HPS for the last few days of veg so...
  2. enclaved

    DWC 25 Days, drooping, stunted, and spotted.

    Just a quick pic I took on the way out the door this morning. The plants seemed to be perking back up to their normal selves after flushing the tank and using 1/2 strength nutes.
  3. enclaved

    Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow

    Ok, so this is a quick shot I took on my way out the door. They seem to be recovering nicely after flushing the tank and lowering the nute strength to 1/2/
  4. enclaved

    Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow

    Day 25 (cont) Went ahead and flushed since that was suggested to me. Replaced with new solution and 1/2 strength nutes. I'll see how they look tomorrow.
  5. enclaved

    DWC 25 Days, drooping, stunted, and spotted.

    Since that's what I was thinking had to be done, I went and did it. Went with 1/2 strength, so we'll see how they look tomorrow. thanks!
  6. enclaved

    DWC 25 Days, drooping, stunted, and spotted.

    To get an accurate diagnosis of your plant we need as much information as possible. This is a stealth hydro DWC w/ stealth hydro nutes. 25 days from seed. Flushed system and moved to nearly full strenght nutes 3 days ago. These are the plants 3 days ago This is today This is the spotting...
  7. enclaved

    Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow

    Day 25 3 Days after I flushed the system and moved to almost full strength nutes my plants are looking quite horrible. My optimism is waning too, hopefully someone will be able to give me some advice. Plant C is was twice as tall as the others so I opted to tie it over to expose some of the...
  8. enclaved

    Grow Cab Humidity Problems

    hey cabinet brother, i was wondering how your grow was going so far?
  9. enclaved

    Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow

    So, it's day 22 and here are some new pics. I flushed the system, new water w/ full strength grow nutes. While doing that I broke my good airstone and had to run out to walmart and pick up a few cheap ones. You can see the plants vary in size greatly, hopefully the tiny ones will be the boys...
  10. enclaved

    Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow

    Here are pics from today, 14 days into the grow. I added a 1/4 strength application of nutrients in the reservoir 5 days ago. Plant A seems to have initially not grown into the rockwool properly and the root base grew upwards instead of down. I fixed this, and it now has roots coming out of...
  11. enclaved

    Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow

    Here are pics from 8 days into the grow.
  12. enclaved

    Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow

    Here are pics from 6 days into the grow.
  13. enclaved

    Stealth Cabinet CFL/HPS Bagseed 1st Grow

    So I started my first grow two weeks ago in a custom build cabinet. Cabinet is bit small but I have it filled with 2x 120mm computer fans rated at 110CFMS, speed adjusted through volt changing power brick. 8 CFLs @ ~190 watts (7 @ 6500k 1 @ 2700k) for Vegetation 150w HPS grow light for...
  14. enclaved

    Did I just blow up my fans?

    This is what I'd want correct? 1300ma seems enough to power two large pc fans
  15. enclaved

    Did I just blow up my fans?

    well, I appreciate your advice and + rep to you. I suppose I will try a new adapter and see if I can't exchange these fans. I got all my hydro equipment in today and was hoping to get all setup but it'll have to wait until I get back from vacation next week.
  16. enclaved

    Did I just blow up my fans?

    Then I am really confused about electricity. Because this same adapter works on other 12v DC .16a and .25a fans without problem.
  17. enclaved

    Did I just blow up my fans?

    The adapter still works with other fans, so its definitely these fans I guess. I'm going to operate on the theory that makes me feel better and blame it on the manufacturer and exchange them. I'm just glad I didn't cut the end caps off before testing.
  18. enclaved

    Did I just blow up my fans?

    Ok, that was my understanding regarding amps so I doubt that's why then. They are 3 wire fans, What I'm assuming is + - and controller, black, red and yellow. It came with 3 to molex adapters that shoot off the yellow to a separate adapter clip. wired black to black and white to red from...
  19. enclaved

    Did I just blow up my fans?

    No, I was testing each fan individually. I never even got to the point where I was going to wire them together. Was it because the adapter is 1.25a and then fans are .53a? If that's the case why didn't the .25 fans die when I had them wired to the same adapter?
  20. enclaved

    Did I just blow up my fans?

    I was wiring up my fans to an adapter and they ran for 3 seconds and then died. The adapter is a 12volt 1.25A wall wart from a DSL modem The fans are 2 120mm PC fans 12volt .53A I tried wiring one at a time to start with. This same adapter worked with other PC fans that were 12v .25a without...