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  1. S

    What is this ?

    Found a few little bugs.
  2. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    My soil ph was slightly above 7.
  3. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    Tell me more Please. What kind of strain maybe? Indica or sativa?
  4. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    My soil ph is right at 7. I added some lime diluted in water to hold it there. My temp is 82. Humidity 34.
  5. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    I couldn't tell you the ph. Thats probably the problem. I havent phed any bit of water I put on it. I probably should start huh?
  6. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    I have a small 8 inch fan blowing on it constantly. And I open it a few times a day to get fresh air. The growbox isnt really airtight so, fresh air isnt my thoughts
  7. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    this is the whole plant. The brown spots are only on a few leaves
  8. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    The nute is a fox farm mixed solution. I put it in a gallon jug to the recommended dose and then cut it with distilled water
  9. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    I feed her twice a week. I use a small glass filled with 1/2 water and 1/2 nutes. I do that twice each feed. Then regular water when needed. Im a novice. I Do noy know what im doing. Lol I dont even have a thermometer. But its around 80 to 85 probably. I have 5 cfls roughly 2 to 5 inches away.
  10. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    Help me please. 3rd week of flower. Fox farm nutes. In soil.
  11. S

    first time grow. brown spots.

    Help me. How do I post pics?
  12. S

    first time grow.

    Are these male or female preflowers?