first time grow. brown spots.


New Member
I feed her twice a week. I use a small glass filled with 1/2 water and 1/2 nutes. I do that twice each feed. Then regular water when needed. Im a novice. I Do noy know what im doing. Lol I dont even have a thermometer. But its around 80 to 85 probably. I have 5 cfls roughly 2 to 5 inches away.


New Member
The nute is a fox farm mixed solution. I put it in a gallon jug to the recommended dose and then cut it with distilled water


New Member
I have a small 8 inch fan blowing on it constantly. And I open it a few times a day to get fresh air. The growbox isnt really airtight so, fresh air isnt my thoughts


Well-Known Member
definitely need more info. Soil, pot size, lighting, PH. Without this info it I impossible to tell what's up


New Member
I couldn't tell you the ph. Thats probably the problem. I havent phed any bit of water I put on it. I probably should start huh?


New Member
you should always pH every time you water. 6.5-6.8 is good for soil. if the fans blowing hard on the leaves they will dehydrate too fast, which is the cause of windburn. start phing your water, make sure your fan is not beating the heck out of your plants. temps are okay, 75-78f is best. other than that things look good! keep your soil pH in check and you should be just fine. maybe invest in some measuring spoons to measure your nutrients more precisely.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't tell you the ph. Thats probably the problem. I havent phed any bit of water I put on it. I probably should start huh?
It's good to check the water just to know what it is. But more important to PH the actual medium. Are the leaves themselves brittle? Feel like theres nothing to them? Get the PH and report back anyways.