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  1. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    ive never really had problems with amazon and im sure walmarts ceo is no better then jeff lol... i guess theyre just doing their part to make sure people arent committing fraud thru them... i think i chose the wrong billing address for the card i used and since it was a large dollar amount...
  2. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    update... as of this morning my amazon acct is still locked. i got a response saying the info that was submitted was insufficient :wall: still working to unlock my acct and get my order placed
  3. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    preciate it! ...ive spent the last month and a half or so reading up on techniques and different equipment and lurking this forum! theres been alot of amazing people here thats been able to answer questions and give helpful advice! im eager to show you guys how it all comes together and the...
  4. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    4-10-2020 so i havent actually begun growing.. but someone made the suggestion to keep posting thru planning and setup too... so today ill start with my first entry (other then the couple threads in the design and setup category)... went to order a good chunk of my equipment just a lil while...
  5. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    well deserved meatball sub too! they say havin any kind of dog is usually a decent amount of deterent
  6. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    i feel that. i never understood why people got dogs just to chain up outside and never really interact with them. whats the point and youre right theyll protect what they love and they dont even really need training to do it. they react in the moment when its needed. when i was a kid my dad...
  7. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    a dogs love = the only real unconditional love there is
  8. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    thats my roxi lil bity old ass wants to fight dogs 10 times her size she gives no fucks lol
  9. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    i dont plan to get anymore until these twos times have passed and for 12 and 9 we still got some wonderful years to come but my next fur baby will prolly be a shelter pibble
  10. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    :cry: aaaw poor stan and yea its crazy how inteligent and instinctual they are he seems like he had an xtra helping of natural talent
  11. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    mine are corgis and they are herd dogs not that mine ever been around sheep ... bebe is my other shes the one who paces the back fence for squirrels and makes tracks in the yard from her protrols for wildlife to bark at lol
  12. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    both of mine are scared of balloons Roxi is scared of thunderstorms but i cant even get the vacuum out and shes running over biting at it and barking same with lawnmower/weedeater my bro in law has a gas powered rc she tries to attack that anything with a motor or blower seems like
  13. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    i wish my dogs would let me do this they wont even let me near them with ballons the weirdest thing
  14. oxvirgoxo

    best things to do with resin

    resin is nasty for me a 10 min high isnt worth the 4 hr headache after i even keep my peices clean because when they start to get dirty i get headaches... my now my dog roxi... she loves when i forget to pick up the papertowel with resin turds in it... shes old n lazy usually i know whats up...
  15. oxvirgoxo

    I can hear grow room up in my living room. What can I do?

    thanks for having me thinkin bout penis all day i cant get the phrase "grower, not a show-er" out of my head lol
  16. oxvirgoxo

    I can hear grow room up in my living room. What can I do?

    sounds like it with all those inches lol
  17. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    corgi's are something else for sure! thats how i ended up with 2 lol... and i dont mind huskies either i love how vocal they are will literally argue with you or throw a fit loudly lol
  18. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    thatd be one hell of a shedder lol
  19. oxvirgoxo

    just dogs

    there are people on etsy makin sweaters out of dog fur... ive thought bout hitting them up and makin a few xtra bucks off of what i sweep up regularly lol