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  1. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    on android how you hide all your unmentionables lol
  2. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    is that so well lemme just turn on private mode and thumb thru and pick a few of the best for you
  3. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i give u same apparently overfocusing on things is in the spectrum
  4. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    33 for the next few months damnit another strike ... i just found out from google yesterday that im on the adult adhd spectrum lmao
  5. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i seriously wish ... 34 in sept
  6. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    ive never been good at screennames not even back on dialup aol lol
  7. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    ox as in xoxoxo (hugs n kisses) idk why it looked cute to me as a screenname
  8. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i didnt ask her to punch her in the face i just said fire me/let me go so i can get 900 a week... my boss' suggestion to get fired was to punch tiff in the face and to make her bleed lol i was just doin what my boss told me to lol
  9. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    well nice to meet you guys lol... ive been lurkin this site for a lil bit here and there when id have random questions always seemed the info here had experience and knowledge behind it been lurkin hard the last month or so gathering up lil bit of knowledge and tips for my plans but just joined...
  10. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    CN is canna(the rest of his username i cant think of it)?
  11. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i did feel attacked like damn? tf but its whatever thats why i smoke cuz lifes to short to stress over little things lol
  12. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    definitely hes a good kid with a strong head on his shoulders
  13. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    seeing bare shelves i realized... 1 im going to be fighting mothers for baby wipes or using my shower as a bidet because i loathe tp and 2 if this turns to a real apocolypse dystopia usa im going to die of starvation because i am too damn picky when it comes to food :-|
  14. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    my nephew joined the marines shortly before this started he was due to graduate bootcamp and they canceled the graduation and sent letters home saying that instead they would be shipped directly off to their reporting barracks
  15. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    hmph im not that kinda woman "hair flip"... but i am tryna finance my first grow setup soo... :blsmoke: lmao just kidding im not selling nudes
  16. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i mean im a female also... lol
  17. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    she didnt want to play along... i even offered her a baby wipe for after...i mean i found a hotsauce pack before the ketchup pack but being the nice person i am i opted not to use that cuz it might get in her eye... even tho tears would have made the photo more believable :roll:
  18. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    not a native, first nation, no my ancestors stole this great land i was born to... but since we were speaking of govt. names/ legal name it made me think of the moors that believe they can seperate themselves from their s.s # and be "sovereign citizens" im not that either btw ....just an...
  19. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    this is exactly how i feel im not essential boeing is just bleeding millions daily with the 787 max fallin from the skys and flights being grounded the only reason our facility is open is cuz they just cant afford to close all sectors of their business ours is the only one still bringing in a...
  20. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    but im telling you it does lol