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  1. T

    Strains that were a big dissapointment.

    I thought i'd start a thread about what strains didn't live up to the hype, i rather just avoid the seed bank battle's (but thats up to you). i'm interested in what really you// had high hopes for, & the end result was just average at best or below.. i got alot of experience & can shed knowledge...
  2. T


    i was more disappointed in the quality..than the harvest size.. not a grow error, i have grown about 30 plus strains, in about 20 years. i got the seeds from either dutch passion or amsterdam itself!! it's just not worth the "hype" i rather go with a white label is nothing...
  3. T


    yeah, i tried it, got the seeds in amsterdam, i was very disapointed, not the great of quality & a low return on harvest. i wouldn't waste your time..