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  1. lemondrop97

    i live in georgia, irst time grower, anybody wanna walk me through it.

    how do you know if you have a strecth plant like is that bad
  2. lemondrop97

    i live in georgia, irst time grower, anybody wanna walk me through it.

    what about when they sprout what should i pput them in and how should i take care of them
  3. lemondrop97

    i live in georgia, irst time grower, anybody wanna walk me through it.

    hell yeah what state do you live in al. ? well im germinating my seeds right now and tomorrow ima plant them i hav a huge rectangle buckett with 6 single small potting cups i think im gunna plant them about a half inch under but is there anything you could help me with to grow some bomb ass weed
  4. lemondrop97

    help my plant is.......

    plant sprouted a week ago and has about 6 leaves two big and four small the big ones have been almost a yellow but not really but everything else is looking good what does that mean will my plant just die or will it keep growing and if it keeps growing should i cut those two leaves off:?:
  5. lemondrop97

    i wish overgrow was still around

    yeah fuck you
  6. lemondrop97

    i live in georgia, irst time grower, anybody wanna walk me through it.

    allright man thanks ill be back with questions soon
  7. lemondrop97

    i live in georgia, irst time grower, anybody wanna walk me through it.

    could you be a litttle more specific not trying to sound rude but i reall dont know that much about marijuana plants
  8. lemondrop97

    i live in georgia, irst time grower, anybody wanna walk me through it.

    what should i do to make them grow and have amazing buds how should i treat them and how di know the difference between male and female
  9. lemondrop97

    first time grower

    i live in georgia and i need help i have a big 3 foot by 1 foot plastic container filled with pot soil what else could i do i have germinated seeds and thats about it
  10. lemondrop97

    i live in georgia, irst time grower, anybody wanna walk me through it.

    yeah im trying to grow some amazing weed for my first time could someone tell me what i should get for soil and nutrients and anything that will help make this a success story:spew::joint::spew:
  11. lemondrop97

    hey im a first time grow i have an amazing spot with twelve ours of sun and im growing outside...

    hey im a first time grow i have an amazing spot with twelve ours of sun and im growing outside what could i do to get the best wee possible for an outside harvest i live in georgia so its starting to get hot like 90 degrees so could you give me some advice
  12. lemondrop97

    My First Amazing Grow!

    hey im a first time grow i have an amazing spot with twelve ours of sun and im growing outside what could i do to get the best wee possible for an outside harvest i live in georgia so its starting to get hot like 90 degrees so could you give me some advice
  13. lemondrop97

    Removing all leaves 1 week before buds are done???

    what a good way to grow good marijuana
  14. lemondrop97

    So You Want To Grow Marijuana, Your ?'s Answered Here

    can i grow marijuana when its cold and windy