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  1. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    Thanks that is what i suspected. Funny this is its the biggest of the 3 and so far has the biggest buds growing. apart from the leaves id never know it was sick.
  2. Jrgrowin

    First Grow, hows it looking so far

    Hello, this is my first time growing as mentioned in the title. I am unsure if these plants are developing on track so if someone with experience can let me know how its going so far that would be greatly appreciated. I live in Southwestern Ontario, The seeds sprouted May 24th and have been...
  3. Jrgrowin

    What is Causing this?

    Hi, I am a new grower, first time. I am having a hard time diagnosing this issue. It looks like tobacco Mosiac Virus but I don't know anything about that just looks similar to other pictures i searched that related to the virus. They are White Widow, Feminised seeds grown outdoors. Any help...
  4. Jrgrowin

    Introduction from Canada

    They need that in ontario
  5. Jrgrowin

    Introduction from Canada

    I don't think that rule totally applies to outdoor weed. I think they begin to flower shortly after the summer equinox. Not 100% sure though still new to this.
  6. Jrgrowin

    Introduction from Canada

    No I don't believe so
  7. Jrgrowin

    Introduction from Canada

    THanks guys I live near hamilton, great whitish north lol
  8. Jrgrowin

    Introduction from Canada

    Hmm good advice. I actually noticed that a few days ago when I moved them one felt a little heavier than the other two. I didn't think much of it at the time, just huh thats strange, until I read your post. Thanks for the info!
  9. Jrgrowin

    Introduction from Canada

    Thanks for the info! I don't smoke that much. My wife and I maybe 2 or 3 times a week and even then we're only smoking a bowl each. Is there a way I can monitor the soil moisture and take out the guess work?
  10. Jrgrowin

    Introduction from Canada

    Hi, brand new to the site and brand new to growing. I have 3 outdoor grown white widow plants that vegetated for 8 weeks and just noticed they are starting flowering. Super excited and looking for any advice. I have them in 5 gallon pots, used premium soil, I have a rain barrel so I water daily...