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  1. dem tings

    plants yellowing from bottom up, brown spots. help please!

    ok, i tried everything that was advised and the babies are looking better. slowly but surely. theyre getting darker and the yellowing has stopped. any more advice for early vegging?
  2. dem tings

    plants yellowing from bottom up, brown spots. help please!

    i am giving plants mg organic and superthrive in a 75% strength solution. i just foliar fed with a weak solution of fertilizer. how do i check and change pH?
  3. dem tings

    nitrogen defeciency? overwatering? help!

    this plant is about 2-3 weeks old. it has always been light in color, but now the bottom leaves are really yellowing and there are brown spots appearing. this is beginning to happen to the rest of my plants also, but not to this extent. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. dem tings

    plants yellowing from bottom up, brown spots. help please!

    this plant is about 2-3 weeks old. it has always been light in color, but now the bottom leaves are really yellowing and there are brown spots appearing. this is beginning to happen to the rest of my plants also, but not to this extent. any help would be greatly appreciated. :spew:
  5. dem tings

    Anyone ever seen anything like this?

    Its a white widow. Ive seen weird looking plants before but they always went back to normal after a few nodes, i dont think thats going to happen to this one.......
  6. dem tings

    Wierd looking plant/s??????????????

    Ive had this plant for about 1.5 weeks and its been growing oddly, like nothing ive seen. the first set of leaves are 3 instead of 2 as it should be, and it looks like that pattern it going to continue (2's instead of 3's) Is this normal??????
  7. dem tings

    Anyone ever seen anything like this?

    Ive had this plant for about 1.5 weeks and its growing all messed up. its got 3 fan leaves coming out of where 2 should be and i think its going to continue that pattern....????