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  1. budforever442200

    My life growing picture journal

    Plantlets in vitro
  2. budforever442200

    yellow tips, mag def?

    You have a salt buildup that is blocking nutes out. It's always good To good flush in-between veg and bloom. Flush it with ph6 water with no nutes and make shure to put 3x as much water than normal, you want alot of runoff. There is also solutions like GH florakleen that help break salt buildups...
  3. budforever442200

    I hate trimming!

    I fucking hate it so much I want to cry. Thanks for listening.
  4. budforever442200

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    Yeah you can use dist, RO, and if you have a ppm meter and ph meter you can test your tap. 200ppm and lower is ok. But remember the lower the ppm in the water you start with the more nutes you can add and the more you can control it. Good luck and Jah love!
  5. budforever442200

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    Yeah you want alot of water to come out the bottom. About 3x as much as normal. I would let it dry, flush, then send into flower. Or do you veg into flower flush now and send it into flower in a week or so
  6. budforever442200

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    It doesn't look bad at all. maybe a little over/under watered. And maybe a slight lockout. Wait till the soil is dry and do a small flush with ph6 water. Youll be fine. Remember it's always good to do a really pod flush in-between veg flower
  7. budforever442200

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    Move your light up. I don't think its over/under watered. I do think the lights to close and you have A salt buildup that is creating a lockout. Flush with 6ph water and you want 3x as much water in runoff. Also there are solutions like florakleen that help remove salt buildups in soil and...
  8. budforever442200

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    Flush with strait 6ph water. You want 3x runoff as you put in. I there are solutions for flushing(florakleen) as well. This will break the salt buildup that is causing your lockout. Good luck and Jah love!
  9. budforever442200

    weird spots droopy leaves

    Are you in hydro or soil? If you have a Rez I'm guessing hydro. How many time a day are you watering?
  10. budforever442200

    Damn mildew

    You can always sulfur burn. Your not that far in flower. What's your humidity at?
  11. budforever442200

    how can i add just nitrogen?

    Are you in soil or hydro?
  12. budforever442200

    My female plants, they start to produce seeds. Need some advise pls.

    Could be someone has some males around. Those are the only things I can think of, because they look really healthy:)
  13. budforever442200

    spraying mites close to harvest?

    Do you have any pictures? Also remember no pest strips contain a neurotoxin.
  14. budforever442200

    My female plants, they start to produce seeds. Need some advise pls.

    Do you have light leaks? Uninterrupted darkness? Are there banana flowers? This pic is a calyx.
  15. budforever442200

    Major Problem needs help fixing fast!

    I love black gold, but firefox is also really good. Pretty much any top grade soil is better than miracle grow. Also perlite is a good amendment with your soil as is vermiculite. PPM stands for parts per million and can tell you the strength of nutes in your water.
  16. budforever442200

    Advice appreciated

    I think your way longer than 10 days. Flush with 6ph water. You want to runoff 3 times more than you put in. Also florakleen is a good flushing solution. Also try not to water so much. Rule of thumb is if you put your finger in the soil up to your second knuckle and you can't feel any moisture...
  17. budforever442200

    My female plants, they start to produce seeds. Need some advise pls.

    Are you shure it's not a calyx? Maybe some better pictures.
  18. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    New sugar tit clones ready to plant. Here we go again!!
  19. budforever442200

    alright. interrupted darkeness... how bad could it be really?

    Light leaks can cause hermi plants and mess up flower production(airy flowers). I don't think one cfl on for 3 hr extra for one day will Do much. My friend just had one his 1000hps stay on in a pretty big room for 24hrs and it didn't do too much, but don't get me wrong, in a 8+ light room it...