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  1. R

    Is there any good nutes from home depot?

    Will my pH stay the same if I switch to lower pH soil or will it go the pH level of the new soil?
  2. R

    Is there any good nutes from home depot?

    Can I transplant my girls to better soil and will they resolve on their own your saying? And how long will it take to go away?
  3. R

    Is there any good nutes from home depot?

    I just find a near hydro store thank you tho but do you know if biotanicare nutes are any good? And will it fix n tox
  4. R

    Can I fix n tox

    Hey guys my little girls are n tox and I know why they are already I'm only using Mg potting mix and it's too much I'm planning on getting new soil and biotanicare nutes for the girls tomorrow will a transplant and feed some nutes will my girls start doing better over time?
  5. R

    Is there any good nutes from home depot?

    My closet and their in 2 gallon pots planning on switching their pots next week to 4gallon for final pot
  6. R

    What soil can I use with biotanicare nutes?

    Need to know what soil is best for this nutes
  7. R

    Is there any good nutes from home depot?

    Heard using that does work and is easy to work with I really don't expect the best bud this time around with the money issue and all,
  8. R

    Hey buddy was wondering if you had any other ideas about soil from home depot and witch one...

    Hey buddy was wondering if you had any other ideas about soil from home depot and witch one would be the best
  9. R

    Is there any good nutes from home depot?

    Need some ideas for nutes I'm from Toronto and I have no idea where to find nutes home depot is the only place I know I'm a complete mood but my clones are 4 weeks in veg and really need nuteS
  10. R

    Will pro mix work fine for a first time grow?

    Got some clones about 4 weeks in to veg I need to get better soil then this crappy Mg soil I got any thoughts on pro mix?
  11. R

    Is fox farm soil and nutes good to use ?

    Hey guys first time grower, I got clones from a buddy of mine purple chemo and platinum pink cookies their about 4weeks in to veg and looking like they need some boost to them I'm currently using only miracle grow and I threw in some egg shells and banana peels, I know its not the best but it...