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  1. J

    Yellow and curling leaves..deficiency of..?

    i just want to add that I have the very same problem. It is definitely nute burn from foliar spray. I know this because that's the only nutes I was giving my plant at the time, and my last grow it seemed to come up right after I foliar fed. Thanks so much potroast, you stopped me from...
  2. J

    over fert or under fert?

    fox farm, but didn't use any yet. Ph is fine, around 7. I'm afraid this fox farm soil burned em.
  3. J

    over fert or under fert?

    okay, thanks. i haven't given them nutes before they began this so I'm pretty sure it's a ph thing. I'll let you know what happens
  4. J

    over fert or under fert?

    250w 4 bulb 4ft t5's. fox farm soil.
  5. J

    over fert or under fert?

    thanks for the guide but my problem is how it looks. I can't tell by the guides so an opinion would help.
  6. J

    over fert or under fert?

    Is this over or under fert? or some other stress? could really use some advice, this is going really slow :roll:
  7. J

    NEED HELP!! Big light, Small Area

    anybody who is curious as to how I came out on this, check out this thread: If you're too lazy, they're outside, growing beautifully, and 3 have turned out to be males so far. Thanks a bunch to leo and all the others who...
  8. J

    Sex?? You know the drill...

    Bump. Anybody have any input? Thanks a ton for everything.
  9. J

    Sex?? You know the drill...

    I couldn't do that to one of my precious females this time. I've pulled 3 males. Out of 9 plants, so far I have 6 girlies, maybe 5. I took out the definite male and put the possible male closer to my house so I can watch it. I'm probably going to wait a week before I go back out there. At...
  10. J

    Sex?? You know the drill...

    thanks mygirls. that sucks, looks like I'm going to have to make a couple clones. should I just top my ladies for the clone? height isn't an issue for me.
  11. J

    Sex?? You know the drill...

    I still have a couple days to pull it, right? I can't go out there right now.
  12. J

    Sex?? You know the drill...

    thank ya! I thought so. So it seems I have two males so far. In the first pics, you can see the same type of growth on one of the plants. It was the one that I pulled and replanted.
  13. J

    Sex?? You know the drill...

    k, here are some updated pics. Maybe you can tell this one a little easier. Maybe not. The pic above and below are the same plant. Haha, thought this was cool. I pulled one and it was out of the ground for a whole day until I decided to replant it. Two days later it started new...
  14. J

    Any Georgia Growers?

    Go to Atlantis Hydroponics or the closest shop (I think there's one in College Park) and get some Neem Oil. I've had great results keeping bugs off my plants with that.
  15. J

    Any Georgia Growers?

    I just put mine out two days ago. Athens here, but I'm moving to Atl in a couple weeks for school. I have a thread I just started trying to figure out the sex of a few of them. Here's the thread. And you should be fine...
  16. J

    Sex?? You know the drill...

    So, I've already chopped one plant today because it had bigger balls than me. These others I'm not 101% sure, and that's where you come in. I can take better pics tomorrow evening possibly if you let me know. There is one, possibly two more that may be male. There are 7 total, but I knew one...
  17. J

    NEED HELP!! Big light, Small Area

    The only problem is those pipes. The light tried to burn them up. Would putting them under for a couple hours a day in the middle of a bigger room be sufficient just for vegging them? Thanks for the response.
  18. J

    NEED HELP!! Big light, Small Area

    bump. added pics.
  19. J

    NEED HELP!! Big light, Small Area

    I see the HID in your closet, though. Guessing that light is much smaller than the one you use outside of the closet...
  20. J

    NEED HELP!! Big light, Small Area

    By the way, thanks for all of the speedy responses. I haven't been on a site since OG, and I'm beginning to warm up to this place already. Kudos, all!