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  1. S

    Help Identify Pest!!

    Really spidermite ? Never heard of them under the plant, I had them before. Usually you see spoting on the leafs and webs. I just worry it could be something eating my roots..because in the pass I had root aphids, made me think I was having deficiency. Symptoms were very similar to what I have...
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    Help Identify Pest!!

    when you lift the rockwool off the tray, you can see a few of them ! Got some clear tape caught a few and use a microscope with camera. I never had them before , I don't know if they are cause damage to my plants! They must be eating something! Any ideas? Thanks
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    Help Identify Pest!!

    Hi everyone, need some advice on my plants. Girls leafs start yellow , from bottom to top. But then I check for pest. Found some bugs under my Hugo's. Does anyone know what it is ? Don't look like a aphid.. General Info 1000w Flood table Rockwool 6 by 6 General nutrient Temple 83f 3 week...
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    Something attacking my roots?

    Hey sorry, for the late reply. I try to see if there any other visible pest no luck. But my girls look really stressed. I did do a strong azaguard root Dench, here some pictures. I didn't even bother trim them yet, figure less stress Thanks
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    Something attacking my roots?

    aphid , must be a super aphid. I hit it with a high dosage of merit 75. I guess it some type of mite. Here are better pic. Stay ya updated. Thanks
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    Something attacking my roots?

    Slightly better picture, anyone got some ideas ? Those f@@ker are killin my plant!
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    Something attacking my roots?

    Notice my girls stressing, checked a few things, found thoses fxcker under my Rockwell. Tryed a high dosage of merit 75 but seems no effect. Root aphids or type mites, guessing not aphids because the merit 75 didn't work. Tray flood and drain. With Rockwell Sorry for the crappy pictures...
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    Anyone know what pest this is ?

    Hi, everyone just put up some sticky trap to see what causing my girls slow growth. I notice some fungus gnats. But not sure what the other green clear looking flyer. Any insight would be great. Thanks for stoping by
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    Can you identify this pest ?

    Unfortunately there are effect my plants it got really bad. What would be a effect way to get rid of them ?
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    Can you identify this pest ?

    Hi everyone, recently I been fighting this pest problem with no luck. That first I thought they were thrips I have try spinosad spray and rez hit. also try merti75 & foggers.but I can't get rid of them. They move fast and jump. They are not so much on my tray there alot on the floor just...
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    What is this bug?

    Thanks, I m starting to think it a thrips, I thinking about throw away everything this run. But looking for a product I can use to spray or apply in my environment, that would take care of the problem. Anyb ideas
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    What is this bug?

    Hi, does anyone know what bug this is? never see it before.I have try some Adonis 75 (cheap version of merti 75)but those damn things still there ? Any input for be greatly appreciated? Basic flood and drain table with Hugo rockwool. Thanks
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    What pest is this?

    Hey how it going everyone? Does anyone know what pest this is? I thought its A fungus gnat but it pretty big for a gnat. Thought it was a fly house but spot few more here and there . Any ideas ? Thanks for stoping by
  14. S

    Leaf yellow

    Thanks I will check it out.
  15. S

    Leaf yellow

    I think your correct , pest causing deficiency signs. just found a few I think. It pretty big flyer though here a pic. I dont know if its a gnat guess run merti 75 for abit.I cant shake this gnat problem. merti75 don't seem to be stoping them.
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    Leaf yellow

    Hi, have a few girl yellowing, at first thought it was Cal mag issue. But seem to be geting worse. Any advice ? Did have a fugnus gnat problem before but I hit every plant with merti 75 and a doctor doom for the room. Thanks Little info 1 week flower Med Hugo 6by6 Nutrients ppm 1000-1200...
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    Something eating leaf & pest

    Yeap, now need to get rid of them merti don't seem to be doing much.any ideas
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    Something eating leaf & pest

    Hi guy, i notice few of my leaf have holes and look like been ate by something. And to make things worse just found out I have root aphids. See pic of the flyer (correct if I am wrong could be gnats) also I have already hit everything with merti 75 2x high dose but every time I check under my...
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    Need some advice

    I will try fushing thanks everyone
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    Need some advice

    What up everyone ? Hope all is well Was trimming few of my ladies, I notices some leaves browning and yellowing. First time seeing this, usually some cal mag fixs any minnor yellowing. Some info about setup 2 week flower strain PK 1000w Advance nut 3 Part Big bud Cal mag Superthrive Ppm...