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  1. 420mon

    grow more fertilizer ???

    Hey Hermitian, sorry to see you go. Mon was wondering if u had a feed schudle for grow more 15-16-17? Mon been using it for years, just curious. Also Mon noticed it's not available for quite a while since 2014? Mon was wondering if you could recommend something similar to replace it? Mons in...
  2. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Doh, so Mon was right, after testing the coco today mon learns that low on N abundance of P and K. Let's say for example that mons recipe in veg is close to 16-16-16 during veg and beginning of flower All N is used up but over time P and K built up due to months of build up. You still have...
  3. 420mon

    2016 Spring BBQ Sat 4/23

    Hopefully mon can make the next one, same problem as some of the others, gota watch the ladies.
  4. 420mon

    How to dry outside?

    Mon know a dude in the mountains who dries his buds under a breathable blackout tarp, it dries pretty fast like 3-4 days but he never has mold. Mon prefers a slow dry, 7 or more days, his stuff ain't the best but it ain't awful either, mon thinks it would be better if he dried it slower but he...
  5. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Hey peeps how's it going, Mon started having trouble roughly a week or two into flower. Mon never ph his water or nutes, never had the need. However mon couldn't figure out wrf was going on, so mon bought a ph pen. Holy batman, ph out of the hose 7.9 mixed with nutes 7.4, possibly lock out of p...
  6. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Could be, mon has reduced the food back to 1/4 strength as raising it didn't seem to help. Watered today, will see how fast they drink it up.
  7. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    No they dry up just about every other day but the last time Mon watered they were not fully dried up because it had been raining for a few days and not that sunny. Since Mon was leaving for a few days and it was gonna be sunny Mon watered before the top dried, like mon normaly does. Don't have...
  8. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Thanks for the reply, but it's really early in flower, mon didn't expect so soon....strain is gg4 thanks. Also it seems to be moving up the plant rather quickly, mon is worried.
  9. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Hey guys, ladies are in flower!! Mon went camping, before camping mom watered wit calmag and no food even tho ladies were still slightly moist. Came back a few days later and they had yellowed up quite a bit. Mon isn't sure if he over watered and they yellowed up from being too wet or if there...
  10. 420mon

    doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

    Dohoh hope the ladies gonna be ok, we had such nice weather and they blew up so fast now mon is worried the lights went off too soon.
  11. 420mon

    Legalazation : Auma 2016 and MMRSA

    All initiative petitions must be signed on paper, with blue or black ink, on a petition from the county you are registered to vote in. Believe it or not, at least 10% of those signatures (more in controversial initiatives, or those with problems getting enough signatures to make the ballot)...
  12. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Ok peeps, mon been trying to find an online petition and was told that all initiative petitions must be signed on paper, with blue or black ink, on a petition from the county you are registered to vote in. Believe it or not, at least 10% of those signatures (more in controversial initiatives...
  13. 420mon

    nuggs 2016

    Holy moly, that's a nice seed bank u got there!
  14. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Mon isn't sure if there is an online on, perhaps someone knows how to make one? All mon found was......
  15. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016 We have 42 days, to get enough signatures. If we all work together, it's possible.
  16. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Yes well Steve Kubby just recently put one million of his own money, maybe if we get the word out, it ain't over til the fat lady sings?
  17. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Hey peeps, Mon been busy. Hoophouse was finished and ladies transplanted Jan30th, it is 480 sqft, 59L, 8W. Mon has five scripts and ten ladies total. Eight ladies were transplanted into one hundred gallons and the last two stayed in the ten gallon smart pots. Lights went off feb 26th, we had...
  18. 420mon

    Legalazation : Auma 2016 and MMRSA Apparently, most prop 215 users are unaware that there would not be any Prop. 215 if it were not for Steve Kubby. The biggest lesson we learned from Prop. 215 is that...
  19. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    its on public group page or whatever on facebook called California City & County Ban Watch.
  20. 420mon

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Bans and pending bans, if you don't want it banned, then you shd show up to the meetings. Most people are not aware or think someone else will show up, if you do not show up to your county meetings and there is a ban, it's your fault. Mon has heard that the counties that did NOT pass bans, had...