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  1. B

    Please help ! Yellow leaves 3rd week of flower ...

    I would guess a bit nitrogen deficient. Some strains go yellow in a hurry at this stage without enough N.
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    Please help ! Yellow leaves 3rd week of flower ...

    Sometimes a little epsom salts works wonders late in the year. A full plant photo would help.
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    No-till Cali Bodhi Grow

    Looks like the wind tunnel between San Jacinto and San Gorgonio.
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    Who remembers the 60's?

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    Outdoor in Espana

    Your fabric pots are not draining well. You can see the residue line on the pots from having been too saturated. As well as reducing the water on the plants with leaf droop, try to provide some air beneath the pots as you have with the plant on the wood bench.
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    Outdoor flower time question

    Just on this thread alone you can see the confusion of "stretch". GG has flowering begin at the start of "stretch" and clouds has "stretch" preceding flowering.
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    Few pics of my outdoor plants

    How big were these when you planted in late June? Pretty darn big now.
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    Outdoor in Espana

    Nice plants amigo but that clawing you refer to seems to be the result of overwatering. None of the plants above look to be suffering from nitrogen toxicity, in fact your plants look a bit nitrogen deficient, although some growers like that toward harvest time.
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    Oregon Outdoors

    Cannatonic has some nice colas already. What are those plants, about 4' across?
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    Oregon Outdoors

    Let's see the outside stuff. Indoor photos are always ugly as sin.
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    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    You don't know smoke like I do. The Air quality numbers here have been unhealthy (150 or greater) for most of the last 5 weeks. I took two trips to the coast and will did it again next week. I hate summer.
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    yield estimate

    Girth trumps height.
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    Open Show & Tell 2018

    The names are pure poetry.
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    Who remembers the 60's?

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    Oregon Outdoors

    Down here in the Rogue Valley we haven't seen bright sun all day for a month now. Local vegetable farmers are noting stunted crops.
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    yield estimate

    Height is not the key, circumference is a bigger factor. I have a 3' 4" tall plant that should bring in about a pound since it is at least 4' across and it is not tapered like a christmas tree.
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    What Are You Listening To?

    Here is one I bet nobody has heard
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    What Are You Listening To?

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    Do we do Doo Wop?

    A classic done 50s style.
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    Hypothetical grow notes

    You've gotta be the hardest working grower here. I feel lazy just glancing out at my plants.