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  1. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    I meant if she gets too tall, cos I have room to kill side ways.
  2. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    Ive got about 3.5ft in height with the reflector fully raised, but I do have room for 4 maybe 6 pots with only 1 in there. I'm thinking on having the lights either side and rotating her daily when she gets taller so I can use the full 4 foot in height.
  3. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    I hadnt really thought about it. Is a 1 gallon too small?
  4. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    Day 10: Hit double digits! Did some more research into optimal watering amounts, and gave her a full watering (until it dripped). I think the watering in small amounts often was holding her back a bit. Question: When should i start feeding her nutes?
  5. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    That is so fucked up. That's herbicide or some shit. They should have kept sone seeds or something. Wiping out a strain is akin to sub-species extinction!
  6. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    Alaskan thunder fuck? I like the sound of that! Every guy around here says their smoke is lemon haze or amnesia, no matter what dirtweed they're slinging, so I've no way of knowing! I think she's an indica because of the broad leafs, but I'm not too sure. Man, the first grow is exciting and scary!
  7. Comorbid

    CFL grow journal, starting week 6 veg

    Wow... She's beautiful!
  8. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    Wow, shes coming along nicely! What strain?
  9. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    Day 9: Her 5-leaves are growing in. Hoping for her 7-leaves to pop in the next few days. Current concerns: Not too sure if I'm watering her too much/little. I always make sure a few inches down is moist, but can't tell if its moist or cold. I've been watering about 200ml a day and a spray or...
  10. Comorbid

    Music promote growth?

    :mrgreen: I was actually thinking about sex after reading the CO2 thing yesterday. I grow in my room, and also screw quite a lot (Thanks Ms. Comorbid!), so I wonder does all the post coital panting help? Even if it doesnt, im going to tell the missus it does.
  11. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    Day 7: Named her 'Harley' and played her an hour or two of Mozart. It is her birthday after all! :P Day 8: Switched one of the low powered reds out and put back in the blue. Her stalk is much healthier looking now.
  12. Comorbid

    Music promote growth?

    Yeah, I couldn't imagine the added electricity of constant play would outweigh the growth either!
  13. Comorbid


    It could be a hermaphrodite.
  14. Comorbid

    Music promote growth?

    Mind = blown. :O Your powers of deductive reasoning make you truly worthy of your moniker. I love when abnormal shit has a completey reasonable explanation. Im off to watch some mythbusters!
  15. Comorbid

    Music promote growth?

    Ive been playing my baby Mozart all day, just on a whim, and it got me wondering. Im sure there are studies out there, but I doubt there are any specifically pertaining to MJ. Who knows... she might like reggae! :P
  16. Comorbid

    Music promote growth?

    Im sure youve all heard the myth that playing a plant classical music helps promote growth. Does anyone do this? And have you noticed a difference? Or has anyone grown two plants under the same conditions, one with music, one without. Just curious....
  17. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    Thanks to everyone for all the great feedback! Ive updated the top post with the info requested by jcommerce. Ive never heard of water PPMs, so im off to research that, will edit again when i know what they are! :P Her stalk got a bit more rigid overnight, so something is working! Not sure if...
  18. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    I think the height is good now. I had it about 12ish inches away in the first pictures, which is a bit far (from what ive read) I think im just gonna leave her for a couple of days before switching back to all blue.
  19. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    So I added some red spectrum (2 x 23w 2700k cfl) and took out the 75w blue on the advice of vostok. I also lowered the 250w to make up for the loss of blue. Hopefully I'll see some thickness in the stalk in a day or two.
  20. Comorbid

    First time grower - Mystery seed (Advice welcomed)

    I have some low powered 2700k bulbs I could add, but both lights pictured are 6500k. Should i add in some red? Also, are the lights too far away? I had the overhead lower, but a 250w cfl doesnt run as 'cold' as advertised, and the plant started leaning away from the light, so I raised it.